Mega Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover - DIY!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Update: RC has un-blocked "scrubber", "algaescrubber", and other scrubber-related words.

Update: Algae on rocks: If you are building a scrubber to help remove algae from your rocks, don't remove the algae from the rocks manually. Let it stay there so it can do some filtering while your scrubber starts growing. The algae on the rocks will start disappearing after you have cleand off about three scrubber screens. It's also fun to watch it disappear.
Hey Santa Monica - thanks for sharing and promoting this great idea. I am going to convert my 180g to use your algaescrubber. Questions:

  1. Should I add algaescrubber in addition to my current mechanical+bio sump with 900g pump? or just run the algaescrubber alone once algae is established?
  2. For a tank of 180g with heavy fish load, how many inches wide screen should I use?
  3. If I keep the existing pump, it's rated at 900gph but after the head and elbows, I get about 700g or under your calculation:- 20" screen. Is that enough or too much, I do have smaller pump and wouldn't mind saving some energy.
  4. In case that we use a 20" screen, how many watts or lumen of lights do I need?
Thanks for helping.
SantaMonica;3524881; said:
The answers will depend a lot on the physical layout of the tank and stand/cabinet. Let's see some pics. Also:

1. Fish only? Rock?
2. What is your current mech + bio?
3. How much food per day?
4. How often do you want to have to clean your GLASS?
5. Clean up crew?

Fresh water tank with no aqua plants but do have a simply aquaponic system ie a few peace lilies on the to of the tank that "feed" by return water from the sump.

The sump is a 20g tank with pot scrubbers and a 900gph pump. Mechanical filtration is main TruVu's pre-filter placed in the overthrow chamber.

I enjoy feeding my fish so feed twice a day

I don't have to clean my glass often ie every two weeks or so, as I keep the lighting to minimum.
What's the latest on freshwater results? Any larger scale consistent success stories out there?

Wondering if I can mount an enclosed bank of screens (maybe 16 2'x2' screens in an 8'x8' enclosure for 64 sq. ft. of screen surface) on one side of my lower roof facing backyard to remove nitrate from my 4300 gallon tank below. Nothing definitive on the layout. Just tossing around a few possibilities.
RainerFeyer on the RC site: "My tank is 75g, 230W T5 lighting, about 8-9 years old now (was FOWLER for 2 years before that). I started a little more than 2 months ago with a vertical ATS. Very happy with it: 3 lights, 20W each, 350GPH flow. I added a horizontal scrubber purely because, by fault of my design, cleaning screens was cumbersome, plus, the size of the scrubber was not preferred. So, been running a verical now for less than one week (aside the horizontal) and all is well so far. Once the Horizontal is well established, I will remove the Vertical. Have been without PS for 6 weeks now! The change in the tank is just amazing! No more algae or cyano, and, the sps which [previously] started dying (probably from nitrates / phosphates/ lack of food) is starting to come back! Thanks for the idea, all of you and especially SM and Worley!"

Jauld on the RC site: "N and P have been 0 since installation. This is the only filtration I have on my aquarium and I do a 20% water change monthly. this [scrubber] one has been running for nearly 3 months now with 0 problems. When I first set this model up, I accidentally used a metal nozzle that released some bad metals into the aquarium and I lost a frogspawn. After that, I changed out the nozzle and did an 80% water change. been fine ever since. Before I installed this [scrubber], my tank was COMPLETELY filled with algae (almost no rock visible). I let this thing run and after about 6 weeks, the algae started to thin and die in the DT. Then, at 8 weeks, I took the rock out piece by piece and scrubbed all the remaining algae off. 0 algae growth since that in the DT, but the screen grows a TON. I have before and afters pics if you really want to see. I found that the DT [water] will start getting cloudy after about 2-3 weeks IF i don't scrub the algae off the screen every 7-10 days. This is because so much algae is growing on the screen that when it starts to get thick, the algae underneath doesn't get any light and starts to die, releasing the stuff that makes the water quality suffer. However, as long as I clean the screen 3 times a month (takes 3-5 min), the water stays clear as day. This thing is such low maint. and is the sole reason i'm still in this hobby. I was planning to quit since I couldnt get the algae growth under control."

Gowingsgo on the RC site: "I just added a ATS to my system and have found that it did reduce my nitrates down to 0. from about 5 ppm. I still use my skimmer but have found that I do not have to clean it as much, and that the skim-mate is much darker in color. I have attached a few photos of my new sump. I built my sump the way I did with 5 separate chambers. (1 intake from main tank) (2 ATS) (3 skimmer) (4 fuge with live rock and sand so if I need to I can also put stuff in my sump) (5 return to main tank). I set up the ATS not to remove nitrates but to remove algae from my display tank (and that is exactly what it is doing). I now clean my glass about every 4 days and I used to do it every day. This is not for everyone but I wanted to give it a try and have found that I am very happy with my results. BTW I over feed my fish and corals a lot so I was very happy with the nitrates dropping down to zero. I will most likely keep my skimmer on line. even if it stops skimming. I like knowing that if I get something in my tank that skimmer is there to remove it."

Av8BlueWater on the MD site: "In 2 weeks all my cyano was gone. I didn't have a huge problem , but it was there. In 3 weeks, nitrates were 20-30 (down from 40-60), 4 weeks nitrates = 15, then the first week I notice nitrates = 0 was about 9 weeks total. I started June 24, and Nitrate zero on Sept 2. It was a happy day. My PO4 here lately is .02-.03 (tested with photometer) but I also still run rowaphos. I had an area of GHA about the size of my fist a few months ago, and now it's the size of a pea, but it is still there. I'm also an overfeeder."