Cool thread,
My step-son and I want to make an outdoor scrubber for my wife's algy infested pond

I'll try to come up with a design tonight and get it together tomorrow.
This is the pond (it has just been scrubbed out by my wife but will be green again in a few weeks):
I'm thinking of hanging the screen as a backdrop to the pot. The pond is in partial shade most of the day - but from what Zen was saying about his scrubber - a bit of shade doesn't matter. The sun is pretty harsh in this part of the world.
Pond size = 250L = 66 gallons
Therefore I need 66 square inches of screen
A screen 6" x 12" should do the job
My 6" wide screen will need a flow of 210g/h = 795L/h
Here is my plan:

A 1000 L/h power head and PVC frame with ball valve
I'll cut slits like Zen did for the flow and hold it on with zip ties
Screen - plastic canvas (if I can find it)
I'll try to devise the screen so it can lift out.

Can't see it from the front
I might add a mechanical filter box under the screen to catch the excess agly.