Metal monster 3k

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Sounds good; I'll try to get some pics. It's very overbuilt and I can't get into the sump for maintenance so I want to change it before I set things back up.
Ok this is for all the people who have misconceptions about acrylic and weld-on #40. I dub this lesson "tip and pour" 101...weld-on #40 is the best and ut most professional glue used for acrylic. It is a two part epoxy and is 30-60 times stronger than weld-on #4 or #16. I like to reinforce all my acrylic tanks with it. Some of them came this way and thats how i learned how to copy it. This is an older style of tank building and it should have never changed Imo. This glue is used for complete tank construction, reinforcement, and any possible kind of repair for acrylic. Ive said it before and ill say it again #16 is JUNK and it is not intended for the aquarium industry. Sooooo here we go :)

1. Tip your tank at about a 45 degree angle where you want to glue
2. Measure/mix the two parts of weld-on #40 acrylic epoxy trying not to create too many bubbles.
3. Pour right out of ur mixing cup onto the seam ud like to reinforce
4. Let dry for a good 4-6 hours before doing another seam. In my personal opinion you should only do one seam a day, possibly two if ur in a hurry.
5. Repeat until all your tank seams are done
6. Enjoy having a tank with seams that are basically indestructible

Why do this you ask? This style of reinforcement will fix and prevent "crazing" caused by bowing. Ur tank will bow no matter what u do so why not prepare for it and prevent it? Here are some pics of the 230 i just picked up. The seams were ok...but id rather them be awesome lol why have a tank with seams only as thick as the material its built with when u can make them as thick as u like. This tank is 3/8" material and im making the new adhesion up to 1"-1.5" faaar better imo and almost impossible to break are the pics of the one and only seam ill be doing today.


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Forgot to add step 1. Lol clean and prep the surface with nail polish remover and or alchohol!!!! Sorry guys def. Left that out. Sorry for the blurry tank aswell i do not care for buffing, this tank is clear when full.

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Burnin metal today again finally :) ...its hot as balls here in ohio but im stickin it out...tryin not to do too much at once or my frames will start warping, but hopefully it cools down a bit after all these storms roll through. 230 is all glued & its stand rebuilt and painted, 500 stand is being welded again today so were almost there folks! Sorry for my skitzophrenic delays i know its gettin annoying, i wont post any more pics of the nonsense, but just had to give an update im workin of the 3k today. I'm offically broke, no money to order materials for the few jobs i have been getting so im at a standstill. Anyone in the Ohio area work for or know good/cheap steel supplier??? My buisness is so small i cant get a supplier that will deal in the small increments i need at a time. Figures id get a couple orderes for stands after i used all the steel i had for this tank hah... A customer had all the steel im using now delivered to my shop over 2 years ago so ive never actually had to order any myself. Sometimes i regret starting my own buisness, its alot to manage for one person.
For sure; be strong and you will reap the rewards!!

I don't miss living in the sweat belt but if I still was down there, I'd pop by and give you a hand!

Thanks for the words on encouragement....i got the 500 stand completly welded and buttoned up today only to come home at 9:00 to my 3 yr old 18" tig who barfed up dinner almost killing himself with an ammonia spike. I def. Wanted to lay face down on a very busy street. 26 tanks running at once is flippin insane lol...sometimes i wonder how they all got here. I need to figure out auto drips on everything before i officially have a mental break down. Seems every time i step away to get some work done something goes wrong back at home. I just cant be a slave to my fish anymore, theres gotta be a better way. Soooo anyone in the Ohio area that can help/teach me how to set up some drip systems, i plea for your assistance. I can build anything, but i dont understand auto drip systems to save my life lol...go figure im stumped

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Looking good bro. Not sure if you receiving them or not but I sent you an email yesterday about help with the drip if you still need it.
Looking good bro. Not sure if you receiving them or not but I sent you an email yesterday about help with the drip if you still need it.

Thanks reed havent checked my email in a while sorry for not responding ill have to check it out now!
Thanks for stoppin by to check everything out Reedmaster! nice finally meeting you and much appreciated for explaining the drip system for me in person. I feel alot more confident i can get it all together now.