Metal monster 3k

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Found a tiny bit of water on the floor lastnight, put my snorkel gear on and located the problem underwater :). 100% my fault this bolt wasent covered enough in the bottom corner. Drained er down half way, applied some more 3m5200 to the area i clearly missed and she should be good to go in a week again. Also made a 5gal bucket filter to get the tank cycled with old media while the window dries again.
Very nice having a fully operational system while being able to work on/repair the window. Will come in handy down the road im sure if theres any other hickups. Im still running 14"-16" of water during the repair so plenty of room for fish even during exhibit down time lol...

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Reworking the pool filter now to fit the new tank/pond
24hrs after the second test fill...all is well so far
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Where is the pic with you looking through the window from the other side, lol
Where is the pic with you looking through the window from the other side, lol

That'd be classic mfk right there...still trying to get the gf to cooperate and take the pic for me..shes not to thrilled knowing the 3k is coming in the house next. I may be dodgeing plates and or other flying objects soon lol...

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