• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Minimum tank size for managuense (jaguar cichlid)

What kind of behavior do you want to see out of your fish? You can keep a Jaguar in a ten gallon if you choose. It will be stunted and never reach (not even close) his potential. Nor will he act like a normal Jag. He may be alive but that`s about it.
A male Jag gets over 12 inches long, as others here have said. If the fish gets 14, 16, 18 inches long, you need a tank that's at LEAST 24 inches wide, at LEAST 6 foot long. That's at LEAST a 180 gallon tank. A good tank for a Jag would be a 72"X30" 240 Gallon. It's not gallons, it's WIDTH.
A male Jag gets over 12 inches long, as others here have said. If the fish gets 14, 16, 18 inches long, you need a tank that's at LEAST 24 inches wide, at LEAST 6 foot long. That's at LEAST a 180 gallon tank. A good tank for a Jag would be a 72"X30" 240 Gallon. It's not gallons, it's WIDTH.

If I were to set up a tank that big, I'd get an arowana...

So what you you recommend for a 75g (4' x 18") tank that is handsome and a piscivore?
If I were to set up a tank that big, I'd get an arowana...

So what you you recommend for a 75g (4' x 18") tank that is handsome and a piscivore?

Freddy , Loisellei, motaguense, . Any parachromis but managuense or Dovii ... Grammodes would be a good choice but not super personable.

Please dont try to keep an arowana in a 6' 240..... Not for life.

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What about crenicichla? Those guys are bastards. I'm sure if you toss a weak fish in there it'll be lunch.

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