eh, I don't know.
there's more to it than what you guys understand. if you are making millions upon millions for roughly 48 min of your time in the ring, that's because you're doing something right, and also there is more to lose, let alone all the pressure that a lot of people neglect. he can only keep making bank as long as he keeps running his mouth and keeps the undefeated record.
it's funny because his "boring" style is the exact thing that is what made him successful. why would he change something that isn't broke? and someone who doesn't have ko power, isn't his fault. it's true what they say, you're born with it or you're not. you can train someone to hit harder by improving technique and stuff, but true heavy hands are not made or taught, they're born. should he not fight in a way that suits his abilities? I don't know what you guys are expecting of him