even though I would've been ok if he never came back, I believe that in his mind, he's like, "I'm not going out on two devastating losses."
that's not a taste i'd want in my mouth after an all time great legacy I spent my whole life building.
I would hope he's smarter than previous fighters who are passed their prime but have too much heart for their own good and continue to keep fighting. look at chuck Lidelle, or evander holyfield, and many others who now have slurred speech due to having too much heart and too much guts and too much desire
these warriors would've done themselves well by taking safer routes at the twilight of their careers
fans that truly care for their favorite fighters truly should wish them to hang em up. those who keep wanting them to push through and continue taking blows to the head and who will volunteer themselves to feed baby food and bath and wipe their arses later in life when the damage catches up can keep rooting for their return to the top.
but not me. I mean, the dude needed steroids to return man. if you can't do it legally and cleanly, maybe that's your body telling you it's time to hang em up. these guys take blows to the head for a living. not the same as throwing a ball through a hoop. that's why I don't like comparing full contact combat sports to ball sports