MMA News and Notes

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Part of my reason for why I think he should keep going is I think all athletes should give the fans who supported them for a career (financially, viewing events, heck just talking about them) deserve a farewell tour. I should be able to savior your last moments and thank you. I hate when people just retire out of the blue never to be seen doing what you love seeing them do. Your fans deserve that.

It's like walking on graduation day. You yourself already graduated. The ceremony is actually for your friends and family to celebrate you and see something

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if one of us made this about sumo, it ain't sumo

I never alluded to that.

I am only saying i'm ok with him fighting fun fights against guys who aren't devastating threats because I fear for his well being. and only because I can understand the mindset of these fighters. it's their love, their passion in life, it's who they are. knowing that, I understand if they wanna come back and leave their careers with a W

but of course I want him to retire for his safety. but if they are gonna stick around, they don't need to fight these monsters in the top five anymore. I believe luke rockhold, jacare, vitor, lyoto Machida and the champ that dethroned him, chris Weidman, all these guys would beat Anderson today.

there's no point in trying to jump into that top five at this point
and rehab may be the same in terms of hard work and determination. but in actual competition the risks are different

only ball sport that comes remotely close is American football because they take hard blows to the head
I personally don't care about the physical nature of the sport. I was simply referring to the effort rehab takes for any athlete. It's all a mute point if you think he should retire because it's too dangerous. Do you think he should've retired right about now if he had won the rematch?

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Part of my reason for why I think he should keep going is I think all athletes should give the fans who supported them for a career (financially, viewing events, heck just talking about them) deserve a farewell tour. I should be able to savior your last moments and thank you. I hate when people just retire out of the blue never to be seen doing what you love seeing them do. Your fans deserve that.

It's like walking on graduation day. You yourself already graduated. The ceremony is actually for your friends and family to celebrate you and see something

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I agree with this to a certain extent. I think it'd be nice for an athlete to do that. but at the same time, if they didn't I would be ok with it too.

they really don't owe us anything. they are the ones who dedicate their time, life, money, sacrifices, blood, sweat and tears to get where they are. I choose to be thankful to just even witness their legacies in the making.

so I partially agree with you.

I personally don't care about the physical nature of the sport. I was simply referring to the effort rehab takes for any athlete. It's all a mute point if you think he should retire because it's too dangerous. Do you think he should've retired right about now if he had won the rematch?

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if one was to go back and look at my previous posts, I had stated that I see Anderson have shown signs of decline even before the chris Weidman fight.

even if he had won the rematch, I would still feel like his career is winding down. so yea, I feel that if he had won he is still close to retiring. that's how i'd like to see it. and after seeing the nick diaz fight it's clear that he doesn't have it anymore. guys like nick diaz are tailor made for a fighter like Anderson. no wrestling, no threat of takedowns, no fighting safe, pushes forward, high offensive output. all play right into Anderson's strengths.
It's like having your funeral before you die lol. In a perfect world you'd be able to view your own funeral and hear what everyone has to say about you because let's be honest, you take things for granted when they're always there and then all kinds of things memories and stories resurface when you sit back and reflect. That's why I love a good ole retirement tour, no matter the athlete. I hate when people sneak off in the middle of the night, only for fans to reflect privately on their own or if you're lucky, an Internet forum or when their name comes up in trivia.

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well, I definitely see that point. and yea it would be nice.

but I won't hold it against them if I don't get that
damn, Zimmerman came in too hard. he was going for a quick finish and left himself open to get countered. and countered he was, it was a nice right hook. Zimmerman didn't seem to recover after that. at the end that knee looked pretty bad too, in the replay you can see his knee cap bulge and out of place. ouch

good job by holzken. I knew from the black guy's first fight that he wouldn't be able to do all the flashy stuff with a more skilled striker. he had some success with the kicks and stuff but holzken was too much.

good card all around