Aquaman_95 Jack Dempsey MFK Member Apr 6, 2007 2,019 2 38 30 Warner Robins Georgia Jul 31, 2007 #51 I hope none of my tanks Explode!
ddyerfamily Jack Dempsey MFK Member May 11, 2007 1,229 1 38 50 Kentucky Jul 31, 2007 #52 Holy @%#$ ! I have a old 150 a am about to fill. scared now.......the tank is a little of level. I think I will try harder for true level. So So So SorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrY
Holy @%#$ ! I have a old 150 a am about to fill. scared now.......the tank is a little of level. I think I will try harder for true level. So So So SorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrY
B BobB Feeder Fish MFK Member Apr 18, 2005 157 1 0 Rosemount Mn Jul 31, 2007 #53 Thank god you weren't near when it exploded.
A aro-man Candiru MFK Member May 14, 2005 372 4 48 38 .....thats a good question.... Aug 1, 2007 #54 And i was pissed when a 15 gallon cracked in my room....
Miguel Ole Dawg MFK Member Dec 28, 2006 15,867 28 89 Very much south.. Aug 1, 2007 #55 fishkeepers nightmare......
rdeandavidson Feeder Fish MFK Member Feb 27, 2006 62 0 6 65 Florida Aug 5, 2007 #56 What a tragedy. The worst I had happen was my lose from yhe hurricanes afew years ago.
J JonF Candiru MFK Member Jul 2, 2007 207 0 46 Waterloo, Ontario Aug 6, 2007 #57 Sorry for your loss! Be thankful you weren't right in front of it when it happened. You intitial reaction may have been to try and stop it...
Sorry for your loss! Be thankful you weren't right in front of it when it happened. You intitial reaction may have been to try and stop it...
P paul123 Feeder Fish MFK Member Sep 2, 2007 5 0 0 uk Sep 2, 2007 #58 omg i feel so sorry 4 u and fish
---XR--- Jack Dempsey MFK Member Nov 11, 2006 4,110 23 38 Pa Sep 2, 2007 #59 does the 20 year perfecto warrenty only cover broken tanks such as this where the glass accually broke, or things like the seams leaking or that sort of thing, because i have a couple perfecto's that have done that.
does the 20 year perfecto warrenty only cover broken tanks such as this where the glass accually broke, or things like the seams leaking or that sort of thing, because i have a couple perfecto's that have done that.
davo Aimara MFK Member Jan 9, 2006 17,531 40 132 England Sep 2, 2007 #60 Damn this is what worries us all...