My apologize haha I missed that every time I’ve read your goon stories, or just skimmed the gallons ?LOL I've had the tank since 2019. Saved up for it for months before pulling the trigger with Custom Aquariums (Recommend!). Took 8 weeks to cycle. Thing's literally a tank, never had an aquarium this solid before. Has marine grade metal framing and a metal aluminum stand (solid metal base) for large tanks and black silicone. I knew I was getting an oscar so I wanted to get as big a tank as possible. Could have squeezed a 7 footer in the fishroom but it would have been a nuisance getting a stand. Tank has tempered glass sides (also because I was getting an O).
The main tank has the Oscar, chocolate, rainbow, two synodontis catfishes and my heftiest parrot Boss. The other parrots (Tango, Patch, Kong) are singles in their own 38 gallon tanks. Due to aggression and fighting they all had to be separated. Eventually the plan is to get them in 50/55 tall tanks (same footprint).
My acara Felix was in the main tank but jumped. His replacement Nemo got infection (from jumping) and didn't make it.
The severum, HRP, and two juvie acaras are in qt right now. The plan is to put them in the 225 as well which will make the tank full. If you go to the beginning of this thread you can see the early stages.
I'll be getting around to the 2 year anniversary of my fish with pics and updated profiles.
I did know two of the parrots were in smaller tanks due to aggression.
not sure if I’ve ever said but your such a good fish parent ?