The craziness rolls on.
Time to get dividers for the QT tank. Stuff is getting a little crazy. Pip (HRP) and Corn (SEV) have been going at it the most, back and forth. Then Corn chases the acaras, Rocky and Jazz. Then he chases Pip, taking cheap shots from the rear. Then Pip chases the acaras. If you think it sounds like a circus you should see it live. All I see are flashes of color flying around. And nobody can catch the acaras, they split up and fly in opposite directions.
So it looked like Corn was starting to take over the tank. Pip would give him fits but break off. Anytime Corn would see Pip he'd give chase (sometimes the hrp would run and sometimes he'd go head on at the severum). But things aren't always what they seem to be. This evening Corn had a reddish blotch just behind the top of his head. Looked like he was coloring up, no big deal. But something was off with his top fin. Appeared to be a small bit of fungus at the base of the first ray. I took him out briefly to get a better look in the light.
Turns out he's not the one opening the real can of whoop ass. There's a chunk out his tail and a smaller piece missing from his pectoral. so despite his attitude Corn is the one getting slammed. He sat in the holding cup with a bit of salt. I dabbed off the little fuzzy . Good news is that the fin is intact, no softness. Put a dose of sulfaplex in the qt tank just to be sure. The red area lightened up and may have been just color (or irritation). No bleeding and Corn seems totally unaffected. The fuzzy might have been debris snagged on the fin but I hate guessing. In any case Corn is the only one getting chomped despite acting like a badass. Everyone else has fins ok. I hope I don't have another loony severum on my hands.
The suspect list is short. Doubt its the acaras they keep to themselves or race away from chasing. This has P-I-P written all over it. But none of this stops
anyone from eating...they all eat like its their last meal 24/7. Everyone comes up to greet now too. But dividers are going in when they arrive. Will look dopey asf, but its gonna happen. Guess I'll have a betta display tank.
Cichlids, I swear. No matter what size they just gotta be asses.