More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Loving these fish! Still waiting on the 24 hr live stream :naughty:
Try turning on Live Photo, it lets you pick a frame to take a pic of, so you may be able to get a focused shot.
  • Haha
Reactions: FINWIN

The acrylic tank by Dream Tanks is on order. After negotiating for a week over fabrication and cost, I've got my custom build. Dimensions are 60"L x 20"W x 24"H. It will house the three parrots Tango, Patch and Kong. I ended up making a limit on what I'd spend for the customization. A couple of inches here and there is hundreds of dollars which I felt seemed over the top. For example, the built in dividers would have been $300 to $400 for a set of two. Then there was the issue of the top cutouts, always in play with fixed tops. I ended up sending them a diagram of the partitioned tank. Standard cutouts are 20 x 8 for that size. Split three ways the openings would be 8 x 12 each.

So crunching the numbers, I wanted to find the sweet spot between actual gallons, customization and price. I ignore model gallon numbers. A basic 5 foot tank will max anywhere from 125 -150 gal (18 or 24 wide, up to 30 tall.) But that's model numbers.

The real volume is a 125 is 112. A 150 about 135.

The Seaclear 145 (60 x 18 x 30) was the competiion. Real gallons 140. cutouts were a bit narrow front to back (23 x 7) so the current hutches wouldn't fit. Tank price around $1560.

Dream Tanks would have charged nearly $2800 for the same dimensions with the custom cutouts and dividers. I said no way, too pricey. I tried changing the height. No good, they charge by sheet size. So going from 30" to 28" is the same $$$$. I tried the same dimensions with no dividers. $2524. Then I priced the standard '125' with the customization. $1625, not bad. But with the real gallons at 112, split 3 ways is 37 gallons. Pretty pointless since the BPs are in 38 (34) gl tanks now. Made no sense to spend all that for 2-3 extra gallons per fish.

After haggling I tried another tactic. What about going sideways? Taking two standard dimensions but bumping it out 2 inches from 18 to 20 wide now gave me 125 real gallons. I had them remove the dividers and go back to their standard holes (20 x 8). I could have gone to 24 width for the same price but it would be too tight in the fishroom.

It seems you pay more going vertical than horizontal. Multiple pieces have to be cut for the fabrication once you go outside the lines. Because 20 inches is a 'cut' weld I'll have the squared edges instead of the rounded ones. If you have the space, go for the full sheet size dimension. Your price will stay the same.

So anyway I told Dream Tanks if the last configuration was still over $2,000 they could forget it because I was going with the Seaclear. Final price came in at $1960, lol. Shipping free.

Tank will probably arrive in 3 weeks or so. Comes delivered in wrap.


60"L x 20" W x 24" H 125 gallons
Blue background
Filtration cutouts

Updates as I get 'em.
Had a few dust ups in Goon City the last couple of days. Corn (gold severum) has shown major growth and is roughly the same body height as the bp Boss. Boss still edges him out, though.

Anyway, the two fish had a nice tussle. Corn tries to 'hang' with Boss a lot but the BP is too independent for that. So he wants his space at times. He nudges and bumps Corn away, but the severum always returns.

Pip (HRP) took a shot at Boss but missed, hitting Corn instead. So the severum retaliates and goes after Pip. Problem is Boss was in the way...SO...he hits the parrot by mistake! A comedy of errors...Pip scoots off then Boss goes after Corn! They circle and spin. Corn gave the 'body shimmy lean' to push Boss off of him. Didn't work. Then he tried to lip lock with the parrot (that didn't work either). Corn flapped like a crazy fish while Boss just shoved him backwards across the tank. Can't muscle a fish that's three times your mass. Corn gave up and darted off.

Rocky the acara continues being an ass. He puffs, shakes, preens and flares constantly, taking cheap shots out of nowhere when fish aren't looking. But if the fish goes at him head on he does nothing. Like a punk, he's a 'long range ambush hitter.' In close quarters he runs. I still don't know if he and Jazz are a pair. Never see any eggs, but they hang together a lot then go their separate ways. Rocky will grab and shake plants. Then they select a new area, days pass and they're peaceful again, shoaling like no problem. If they are a pair, it's one of convenience.

I notice acaras seem to have issues with bright colored fish (at least mine do). My previous acara Felix would randomly hit the parrot Boss in the side. Rocky does the same thing, tagging the parrot on occasion. Now Boss isn't afraid but he'll move off when he gets hit in the belly. But being a cichlid also Boss stubbornly goes right back. If he corners the acara and lip locks, the blue fish goes flying. Rocky may flare at Boss, but he won't fight him head on or in close quarters. All blow and no go.

The acaras target Corn (gold severum) the most, the other 'bright' color fish. It could also be because Corn harassed them when they were smaller. Corn will fight more one on one. Jazz doesn't gang up like before so usually Rocky instigates and is on his own. They both scuffle with the rainbows and hrp (Salt the red rainbow tagged them pretty good one time). Sometimes they all shoal peacefully. Its all over the place. :screwy:

Brick is the equalizer. He monitors tank activity and when the acaras get a little wild he walls them off with plants or blocks them by resting in their area (they won't come out). The acaras may be bold but they aren't crazy. They completely avoid the Oscar. He checks in, they check out. Brick ignores the small squabbles but when he's seen enough he puts the hammer down.

The new entries Mongo and Slade are doing well! The hrps eat like machines. Mongo has grown a bit, and Slade has caught up to him in size! Slade's marble pattern is really striking now. Mongo is nicely pink.

Once I get Bobo in his permanent setup I'll be moving Rocky over with him and one of the synos. And maybe another oscar.
Situations keep swinging wildly in the main tank.

Yesterday Salt (Red rainbow) kept randomly shaking/cleaning rocks. Pepper hovered near. Then Salt popped one of the synos upside the head (Pepper's old job) when the catfish got close. This morning the acaras are nowhere to be seen. The rainbows are hovering near the sponge prefilter at one of the hobs.

Salt is truly Salty! He challenged the Oscar, juking and flaring at Big Red. Brick wasn't impressed and gave chase. Salt went on a run but circled around and went back over to the prefilter. Pepper is hanging close.

I give Salt credit...other than the bp Boss no fish has ever challenged the Oscar. It looked completely ridiculous but at least it ended quick.

I'm hoping I'm wrong, but Salt might be a big girl. Its like in the last two days a wire went loose.
Situations keep swinging wildly in the main tank.

Yesterday Salt (Red rainbow) kept randomly shaking/cleaning rocks. Pepper hovered near. Then Salt popped one of the synos upside the head (Pepper's old job) when the catfish got close. This morning the acaras are nowhere to be seen. The rainbows are hovering near the sponge prefilter at one of the hobs.

Salt is truly Salty! He challenged the Oscar, juking and flaring at Big Red. Brick wasn't impressed and gave chase. Salt went on a run but circled around and went back over to the prefilter. Pepper is hanging close.

I give Salt credit...other than the bp Boss no fish has ever challenged the Oscar. It looked completely ridiculous but at least it ended quick.

I'm hoping I'm wrong, but Salt might be a big girl. Its like in the last two days a wire went loose.
Maybe, I don’t have a male, but my female challenges everyone in the tank, including my severum twice it’s size.
Ok it's official. My rainbows are hormonal. They've taken up a spot along the back wall under some plants, near the foam prefilter. They are totally hyper. They've challenged everyone head on, including Brick. The parrot Boss seems bored with their challenges and ignores them unless they want to give it a go. They went after Corn too, but the severum nailed them right back.

The acaras who up until two days ago made themselves nuisances, are now in hiding. When they come out they get chased by Corn and both rainbows. Salt and Pepper make the acara's aggression mild in comparison. So Now Rocky and Jazz are on the far side of the tank. The rainbows even overwhelmed the fiesty HRP Pip. I should mention that Pip generally gave Salt a hard time. Looks like payback due now.

The rainbows both charged head on at Brick, a gang move. ? The oscar nearly caught Pepper, then Salt circled wide and hit him in the side. Everybody went flying. Brick took a minute then went back to his pit area. The rainbows gave it another shot but Brick was pretty pissed and made them scatter. They sneaked around on the back side and went back to their spot. Big Red hovered in his area and did a body shake/fin flip.

I scraped the sponge but there weren't any eggs from what I could tell. Not only are the rainbows showing a different level of aggression than the acaras, but at full speed they have no equal save the redpoint (and that's debatable since Pip is mostly fast in bursts).

The main tank is turning into Looney Tunes. :screwy: