Had a few dust ups in Goon City the last couple of days. Corn (gold severum) has shown major growth and is roughly the same body height as the bp Boss. Boss still edges him out, though.
Anyway, the two fish had a nice tussle. Corn tries to 'hang' with Boss a lot but the BP is too independent for that. So he wants his space at times. He nudges and bumps Corn away, but the severum always returns.
Pip (HRP) took a shot at Boss but missed, hitting Corn instead. So the severum retaliates and goes after Pip. Problem is Boss was in the way...SO...he hits the
parrot by mistake! A comedy of errors...Pip scoots off then Boss goes after Corn! They circle and spin. Corn gave the 'body shimmy lean' to push Boss off of him. Didn't work. Then he tried to lip lock with the parrot (that didn't work either). Corn flapped like a crazy fish while Boss just shoved him backwards across the tank. Can't muscle a fish that's three times your mass. Corn gave up and darted off.
Rocky the acara continues being an ass. He puffs, shakes, preens and flares constantly, taking cheap shots out of nowhere when fish aren't looking. But if the fish goes at him head on he does nothing. Like a punk, he's a 'long range ambush hitter.' In close quarters he runs. I
still don't know if he and Jazz are a pair. Never see any eggs, but they hang together a lot then go their separate ways. Rocky will grab and shake plants. Then they select a new area, days pass and they're peaceful again, shoaling like no problem. If they are a pair, it's one of convenience.
I notice acaras seem to have issues with bright colored fish (at least mine do). My previous acara Felix would randomly hit the parrot Boss in the side. Rocky does the same thing, tagging the parrot on occasion. Now Boss isn't afraid but he'll move off when he gets hit in the belly. But being a cichlid also Boss stubbornly goes right back. If he corners the acara and lip locks, the blue fish goes flying. Rocky may flare at Boss, but he won't fight him head on or in close quarters. All blow and no go.
The acaras target Corn (gold severum) the most, the other 'bright' color fish. It could also be because Corn harassed them when they were smaller. Corn will fight more one on one. Jazz doesn't gang up like before so usually Rocky instigates and is on his own. They both scuffle with the rainbows and hrp (Salt the red rainbow tagged them pretty good one time). Sometimes they all shoal peacefully. Its all over the place.
Brick is the equalizer. He monitors tank activity and when the acaras get a little wild he walls them off with plants or blocks them by resting in their area (they won't come out). The acaras may be bold but they aren't crazy. They completely avoid the Oscar. He checks in, they check out. Brick ignores the small squabbles but when he's seen enough he puts the hammer down.
The new entries Mongo and Slade are doing well! The hrps eat like machines. Mongo has grown a bit, and Slade has caught up to him in size! Slade's marble pattern is really striking now. Mongo is nicely pink.
Once I get Bobo in his permanent setup I'll be moving Rocky over with him and one of the synos. And maybe another oscar.