More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Introducing...the Calico HRPs Mongo and Slade!

Mongo is the pink one, Slade the marble. They're around 2 inches. Mongo is a bit thicker and larger, more dominant and pushy. But Slade is fiesty and fast asf. They'e acclimating here in the cup. Slade sits in the bubbles for a bit. After two hours they were chasing around so into the QT tank they went. Hard to believe they spent days in the heat from transit delays! Tough lil' suckers. All attitude and no size, lol. They're as bad as Pip (my other HRP). Again, someone tell me about these 'mild' centrals??

Slade is soaking up the bubbles.

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Brick is back to doing "Oscary" things.

Yesterday everyone got 'dinner'. One meal a day, all you can eat buffet. And brother, they can put it away. Given half an hour the sand is clean of every particle. I see Brick along the back wall with something in his mouth. He swims to the front and spits a suction cup (hook and all) over his pile of rocks. I scooped it up immediately.

So we're back to pulling suction cups off of heaters. How he did it with the cover on I have no idea. Oscars = drama.

Pics featuring the Rainbow brigade coming soon.
My fish reacted really funny to my new phone...its much larger and is in a purple 'glitter' box. They were fascinated by it for the most part but kept swimming around like crazy. Salt and Pepper were going so fast even burst shots were no good. Today there are pics, lots of pics. For every one you see I had to toss about eight because they were way out of focus! Anyone taking pics of rainbows or hrps has to be really patient. Even the acaras are relatively slow at full speed.

And now, because you demanded it! SALT N' PEPPER!

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