More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
And it's official, Bobo is female. So much for hump size....she laid eggs overnight.

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Same thing happened with my crested gecko…thought she was a male until there were eggs.
And Patch. Her trailers are really flashy now.

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Those fins are amazing!
Are all your parrots from the same batch or were they all separate? It would be interesting to see what causes them all to be so different.
Same thing happened with my crested gecko…thought she was a male until there were eggs.

Those fins are amazing!
Are all your parrots from the same batch or were they all separate? It would be interesting to see what causes them all to be so different.

I ran into the same situation with Kong, when she started laying eggs. I am 90% certain Boss and Kong are from the same batch. I got Boss, Kong, and Patch at the same time, but I think Patch is from another group. There was a huge female in the tank that looked just like her but she was floaty and full of eggs. Her mother, maybe...nearly 10 inches.

Tango I purchased later. He might be a younger sibling to Patch. They seem to favor midas ancestry, Boss and Kong devil ancestry.
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Its been awhile since I posted on Goon's the latest

Tha Acaras continue to fail in their bid for takeover. Jazz I now believe to be female as she has bouts of aggression and I thought I saw an egg tube (like a white dot) under her belly. Rocky goes around shaking plants and the two of them did a good job shredding a few silk leaves.

Corn (severum) has good size now and is the loose cannon. He chases the rainbows but then gets chased by the Bp and Oscar. He runs from the acaras until he gets on his own turf. Then the acaras get chased. The invisible line works. Boss and Brick tolerate Corn because the severum will do chasing they can't be bothered with. He handles the perimeter. The rainbows are welcome by the Oscar and parrot but Corn will chase them. Boss will chase Corn when Corn chases the rainbows. Sometimes Brick gets annoyed and charges at Corn (sending the severum flying across the tank).

As always, Boss the parrot is on guard. He won't get involved in scuffles unless the acaras 'come on down' to start a fight (they'd rather not). Corn is his favorite push toy. The severum isn't allowed near the pit Boss and Brick share. If Boss is bored or disinterested he'll turn his back to a fish like "talk to my big fat butt." He does this a lot when the acaras start juking and shaking like they want to go. Rocky and Jazz have tried jumping the parrot several times (total fail). The parrot takes them both on. Since Rocky is the ass, he gets it first. Boss grabs his lip, yanks, and sends the acara shooting to the other side. Jazz kind of gives up when Rocky gets run off.

Two weeks ago Rocky had missing scales. Today Salt (rainbow) is scuffed up. One ding up top and two loose scales on the side. He doesn't seem affected at all and roams the tank. Pepper (rainbow) has taken over the jumbo log where the acaras hang out. Rocky tries to fight for it, but it ain't working. He stuck his head in there and got whacked.

Corn has really big lips. He gets a bit frustrated at being run around by the parrot . So, he challenges Boss to lip lock (monumental fail). Like two seconds later its over and he gets banged around. Boss won't bother him as long as he stays in the mid and upper levels, away from the pit.

Brick will be 3 in December, and he is massive. He's also decided to claim 4ft of the 6ft tank. Nothing I do will change his mind. So we go back and forth moving stuff. The pit gets bigger and bigger. He even watches the perimeter in case the acaras creep over. All he has to do is lurch at them and they take off. He's good with the rainbows.

The synos Cash and spot stay the hell out of the way. Basically speed bumps. Rocky gives them grief and Brick pops them in the head. You can actually hear it.

All in all, typical times in thug life...?
Anniversary time is just around the corner. Mid December will be year 3 of the crew...latest profiles will be posted. 'Nuff said.

In other small news Patch is doing quite well and scoffed some pellets today. She'll get her fresh water/treatment tonight. She's up to her old antics with the crazy sleeping. She curls in the net like an eggroll or sleeps sideways with the bubbler making a tent of air (in the net) around her at the surface. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about there's a thread in the disease section about Patch's journey from illness.

Boss the BP and Brick the Oscar had a rare 'argument.' For whatever reason Brick flared, did a sideways shake and body slapped the parrot making him bounce. Boss circled back and head butted Brick. :wall: And then they were good.