Year Three thread to be up and posted soon, possibly tonight! Profile updates and lots of pics. I experimented with different light sources and got some nice effects. I almost have to because the fish room has a lot of annoying reflections that mess up shots.
I will also be thinning the group in the 225 and swapping out fish. This is because once again my mechanical filtration doesn't like the increasing mass/size of most of the residents and the fact Brick now wants to claim 4 out of 6 feet. Plus the plan is to reduce the number of tanks. I made a revision due to Patch's situation so the parrots will not be divided in the 125. She's doing well but I want to see if this lump thing can be resolved. It's nearly gone again, but for some reason it came back a week after I put her back in her tank. I have no idea why. But her color is great and she eats and plays. She has new pics in the year three thread.
Rocky the Acara, Spot the syno, Bobo the chocolate , Tango the BP and Slade the HRP will go in the 125. The 225 will have Brick (O), Boss (BP), Jazz (Acara), Cash the syno, rainbows Salt n pepper, Hrp Pip and Hrp Mongo.
The 20 long qt tank will be history along with Bobo's current tank. I will be keeping Tango's 35 long for a qt tank instead. Patch and Kong will be getting larger (50 to 60ish) acrylic tanks each. So I would be going from 6 tanks to 4.