Now for the latest. Rocky is OUT. I was tired of his antics. He's had a growth spurt and his aggression kept rising. He hassled the other acara Jazz nonstop, herding her around. When she 'escaped' he would roam the tank looking for her. She didn't want him but he refused to stop. He annoyed the other fish as well, giving the severum and synos grief on a daily basis with ambush attacks. Then he'd try to breed with Jazz in every area of the tank causing scuffles. Sometimes the two of them would fight across the tank, pissing off the other fish. Both acaras had ongoing turf wars with the rainbows that went back and forth. It would quiet down then flare up.Then he would just pick fights randomly. I really believe he was trying to claim the whole 225 for himself. It got to the point where he would run Jazz off as well.
The final straw for removal was for his self preservation. Normally he was wary of the parrot and would give the oscar a wide berth. But at times he'd look for an opening to tag a tail, always when the two bosses had their back turned. He tagged Brick on the tail a couple of times but it backfired. The oscar thrashed so hard in response he knocked the acara stupid. Another time he was nearly caught and bitten.
With the parrot Boss it was a territory thing. On his side he hassled the parrot. On the other side Boss would send him running. So he liplocked a couple of times and got punked, shooting away.
Pissing off the Oscar would eventually get him killed, so he was removed today. Brick's already taken out a severum and syno so I wasn't looking for casualty #3. He now shares the holding tank with Slade (divider is still up). Mongo is in the main tank!
Is it cramped for Rocky in the qt tank? Yeah, but that's too bad. He stays until I can put him in the 125. Him being gone has a positive effect. The rainbows have taken over his area already. The severum is now hanging out more on the opposite side of the tank, freeing up space where the Oscar and parrot stay. Jazz the acara is now swimming the entire tank instead of hiding/squabbling with Rocky. The synos are secure in their log without sneak attacks. Pip now has another hrp to hang with. Mongo settled quickly and the two appear to be getting along chasing. Even Pip can't keep up with Mongo. When he tries to chase, Mongo just changes direction and swims circles around. He doesn't run. The pink stinker even took a shot at Jazz! But he is SMALL compared to the other centrals. Even Pip looks stocky af next to the arrow shaped Mongo. Good news is that he's a voracious eater so the size should pack on. The two tank bosses (Boss the Bp, Brick the O) are unaffected by the move of Rocky. They immediately checked out the area where the acara was removed then went back about their buisness. More tank space being used equals more turf for everyone. Meanwhile I floated Mongo in the cup for three hours to get used to his new home. He was a hit with the locals.
Here's Mongo in the cup. He has the beginnings of a nice trailer.