Here we go again! I've had two 'male' rainbows in the 225 for months now. Guess what? One of them is female. It's Pepper (gold rainbow, who was sold to me as MALE)...she laid hundreds of eggs in the jumbo log this past week. There was a hostile takeover as both rainbows ran the HRP out, forcing Pip to move her fry. Salt (red rainbow) is definitely male. They set up shop right next to Pip the HRP, who is currently watching over fry. So they're bad neighbors. Meanwhile the Parrot and Severum lurk on the fringes looking to pick off fry as they skitter over the sand. When the Oscar swims by Pip does her kamikaze routine of tail pecking. In retaliation Brick does his best to eat her and 'hunts' but she swirls around too fast (at a safe distance).
Two weeks ago I still thought Pepper was male since she did most of the body slapping and flaring, not Salt. I removed the log and cleaned it out. Here's what I know 100%:
HRP Pip (F)
HRP Mongo (M)
HRP Slade (M)
Rainbow Pepper (F)
Rainbow Salt (M)
Acara Rocky (M)
Acara Jazz (F)
BP Patch (F)
Oscar Brick (M)
Don't know about the Synos but no babies at all
BP Boss (M)
BP Tango (M)
What threw me a curve:
Chocolate Bobo (F) laid eggs since this past August
Kong the BP (went from M to F) currently lays eggs
Pepper (F) just laid her first batch of eggs
"Big Girls" Kong, Bobo, Pepper, Patch. Their energy went to size vs breeding I think.
I'm not turning the 225 into a breeder tank! As for the HRP fry, a few have died off but most are doing well. Between the ones I have in the bucket and the ones remaining in the tank I'd estimate 80-85% survival rate so far. Unfortunately as they get bigger they're harder to catch and scatter. There's still around 20+ in the tank. Its been slow asf catching these little stinkers. Siphoning doesn't work and netting is getting ineffective. I might get 1 fry per swipe now. The largest ones are about 1/4 inch and some a little smaller. I can see their mom's stripe pattern and a silvery color. No solid ones yet other than ones too small to tell. Want to see if any have color similar to dad.
If anyone has tips on sexing HRPs and when, let me know. I'm not trying to get overrun here.