More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Congrats on the fry! What are your plans for them?
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Congrats on the fry! What are your plans for them?

The plan was to save a few and try to raise them. I shook some powdered food over their area. But its gone sideways already. Tried siphoning them out and they I can't locate them. Meanwhile the parents are in breeding mode which sent off a round of fighting. Both hrps fly out and patrol the bottom. They went after the severum, who went after the rainbows. The hrps went after the rainbows next, who fought back. Then the parrot went after the severum, the severum went back at the hrps. The oscar did his own patrol then the hrps went at the oscar, tagging his tail...oscar gets pissed and nearly eats papa Mongo. Then the hrps went after the synos (you get the picture). The acara stayed out of it.

I'll probably have to remove Mongo for the time being but options are limited. Rocky is already in the holding tank with the other male hrp Slade. Won't work in Kong's tank. Tango maybe. Patch no. Best bet is to put him in with Bobo...she'll probably haggle him some but won't be able to catch or injure him. When the 125 is up and running I think Mongo is going in there. I'll keep looking for loose fry.

Cichlids, right? Always something. ?
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Managed to grab some of the fry! Siphoning didn't work (kept scattering) so I scooped some up with a fine mesh net. I removed Mongo. He and Pip started attacking other fish in tandem. Their speed made it hard for to defend against them. By removing most of the remaining fry Pip has gone into seclusion again and calmed down. The original group was around 50. By this afternoon it was down to about 20-25. The ones I have are in a bucket with air stone. Scraped off some algae from some of the lids and added krill fry powder to the bucket. Put some pink sand in the bucket hoping I could see them but they're so tiny and the water is clouded with food so I can't make anything out. Guess I have maybe 10-14?

I put Mongo in with Bobo the chocolate. Predictably it wasn't smooth. I think Bobo would have settled in a bit but then Mongo tagged her tail, pissing her off. I have a small log Mongo can hide in until I figure out what to do with him. I'm starting to think the hrps C. Breeze C. Breeze sold me are outcrossed with Devil cichlid...the aggression of both Mongo and Slade is crazy! I may just put him in a spare bucket for now until the 125 is up.

So things are back to normal in the main tank. Added the poret foam to the filters. Can't believe how easy it is to clean!
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Congrats on getting and collecting the dry!

Thx. I'm still trying. Either there were some I didn't see or Pip popped out another small group. She's a really good mom though, and clever. Whenever she sees the net she herds fry into the big log. When the 'coast is clear' she brings them back out. So I'm being patient and waiting my chance.
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Well hot mama has figured out quick that I'm scooping out her babies, so now she keeps moving them. Then she watches me from around a corner before darting back into the plants. She is ultra aggressive right now and annoying some of her tankmates. I figured removing the fry would calm her down but it's going slow because she moves them so fast. I managed to snag 4 today. For a first time parent Pip is doing good: all the fry are plump/ free swimming and as near as I can tell, none (or only a few) have been lost.

Below are some of the fry in a cup. I moved them there while I cleaned their bucket yesterday. Right now I have about 20, and probably that same amount is free swimming in the main tank.

The dad, Mongo is settling in nicely with Bobo..It was rocky for two days but is ok now.

Pics of the fry. You see some at the bottom, too.

fry 1 (2).jpg

fry 1 (1).jpg

Here we go again! I've had two 'male' rainbows in the 225 for months now. Guess what? One of them is female. It's Pepper (gold rainbow, who was sold to me as MALE)...she laid hundreds of eggs in the jumbo log this past week. There was a hostile takeover as both rainbows ran the HRP out, forcing Pip to move her fry. Salt (red rainbow) is definitely male. They set up shop right next to Pip the HRP, who is currently watching over fry. So they're bad neighbors. Meanwhile the Parrot and Severum lurk on the fringes looking to pick off fry as they skitter over the sand. When the Oscar swims by Pip does her kamikaze routine of tail pecking. In retaliation Brick does his best to eat her and 'hunts' but she swirls around too fast (at a safe distance).

Two weeks ago I still thought Pepper was male since she did most of the body slapping and flaring, not Salt. I removed the log and cleaned it out. Here's what I know 100%:

HRP Pip (F)
HRP Mongo (M)
HRP Slade (M)
Rainbow Pepper (F)
Rainbow Salt (M)
Acara Rocky (M)
Acara Jazz (F)
BP Patch (F)
Oscar Brick (M)
Don't know about the Synos but no babies at all
BP Boss (M)
BP Tango (M)

What threw me a curve:
Chocolate Bobo (F) laid eggs since this past August
Kong the BP (went from M to F) currently lays eggs
Pepper (F) just laid her first batch of eggs

"Big Girls" Kong, Bobo, Pepper, Patch. Their energy went to size vs breeding I think.

I'm not turning the 225 into a breeder tank! As for the HRP fry, a few have died off but most are doing well. Between the ones I have in the bucket and the ones remaining in the tank I'd estimate 80-85% survival rate so far. Unfortunately as they get bigger they're harder to catch and scatter. There's still around 20+ in the tank. Its been slow asf catching these little stinkers. Siphoning doesn't work and netting is getting ineffective. I might get 1 fry per swipe now. The largest ones are about 1/4 inch and some a little smaller. I can see their mom's stripe pattern and a silvery color. No solid ones yet other than ones too small to tell. Want to see if any have color similar to dad.

If anyone has tips on sexing HRPs and when, let me know. I'm not trying to get overrun here.
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Congrats on the fry (again)! Eventually they should stop when all the fry becomes competition (and it no longer feels safe to lay).
Not sure on hrp specifically, but if they follow the convict rules, then females will have orange on their sides.
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