More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
always good to catch up here on the saga -

i tried to set up similar set up with my oscar (very shy) a BP - “tangerine” here, however my BP is a ? - vanquished to the big tank ?

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Hadn't really seen this thread but congratulations on getting Pip to be a mother!
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Welp, spring isn't too far off, and the goon squad is cranky.

Rainbows Salt n' Pepper look to be gearing up for more eggs. Squabbling over the big log has resumed and is currently occupied by mama Pip (HRP) and her crew. The rainbows keep trying to force their way in there but Pip fights them off. The severum and acara are agitated and also getting testy. Why? Because my Oscar also appears to be in some kind of nesting/breeding mode. As a result, Brick continues his assault on plants, ripping out stems and leaving stumps that he moves around. Then he rams plants and rocks into a tight wall blocking the other fish. The other day he cleared almost 70% of the tank for his pit. Now he's plowing behind the plants, tunneling along the back wall. So Every day I'm loosening plants to create more nooks and crannies for the other fish to use. The only thing that works is if I put a boulder behind plants, then he can't ram everything into a big wad.

The synos get cracked in the head if they go near the pit, so now they hang out on the front glass. Corn the severum was put in jail this morning by Brick and tucked up under some vines. Then Jazz (acara) started scuffling to claim the spot since she likes to sleep in the front corner on the sand.

I decided to try a strategy to get the rainbows away from the log. Had a large flat rock I put in another area to get their attention. It worked almost immediately as Pepper moved to clean it off. Pip's attacks on the rainbows were no longer working. They refused to move even when she hit them and would just 'tilt' to avoid a heavy impact. Pepper even tried bum rushing the log with Pip in there. Crazy. Everybody wants that friggin log.

Brick is so stubborn its comical. We have a test of wills every day. I move things to give the others space and get away spots. As soon as I leave the room Brick shoves everything against the glass again or piles stuff up in walls, leaving the bottom wide open. Then I find more floating/torn plant stems.

Pip is an outstanding mother. To my amazement she has not lost a single fry despite their now rapid growth (pics soon) and the fact they're boldly leaving the nest and roaming the wrong side of town. Counted 26 yesterday, so more than counted before (18). I feed them the same as the other fish now. They've figured out to go get falling food, so I just break up softened pellets and they swarm over the sand or swim up to get loose pieces. All are fat and easy to see now, very uniform in size.

Will set up the 125 in my office sometime this spring. Definitely need to move one of the synos. Probably Cash as he/she is getting really big. Bobo,(choc) Tango (bp) and Rocky (acara) also. Still deciding on the smaller fish.
News! Pip's fry are getting enough size that they're drawing a lot of attention. The bold little things are swimming all over the tank and up near the surface. Both the parrot and severum have gone into the log to grab a snack ( they get stuck). Even the acara is trying to 'ambush' them around plants. And today my oscar watched them over the sand (more curious than serious). But they're too fast. The minute any of the larger fish try anything they scatter in ten directions then disappear. Pip is spending a lot of energy watching, defending, and rounding them up. As a result she eats heavily now and I make sure she gets her fill. She even manages to hold Brick at bay but mostly because he isn't all that interested. If she gets too close he tries gobbling her but Pip's smart enough to keep distance from that maw.

But help has arrived! My female rainbow Pepper is now being the step mom watching over the fry! Pip now gets a break here and there. My syno Cash went in Pip's area to get food and both rainbow and hrp drove him off. Pepper is larger and stronger than Pip so she nailed the syno with 3 straight shots to the eye until he took off in panic. Apparently, Pepper isn't interested in nesting her own for the time being. So she's cozy hanging out with Pip. This 'arrangement' happened in the last day or so.

When the tank is in evening mode Pip hustles her fry into the log for the night. Will grab a pic of her n' Pepper if I can.