More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Congrats on the fry (again)! Eventually they should stop when all the fry becomes competition (and it no longer feels safe to lay).
Not sure on hrp specifically, but if they follow the convict rules, then females will have orange on their sides.

So you're saying let nature take it's course, right? Right now I've got around 20 plus loose fry in the main tank. Short of tearing the tank down there seems little hope of catching them all. The rainbow eggs have been cleaned out of the log (about 20 percent of them were white but I didn't want to take chances.)

There is something strange happening though. Some of the HRP fry are starting to wander from mom (Pip) and she seems to be herding some of them towards the other fish! She seems to be wearing down from protecting them.

At what size can HRPs be sexed?
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Yep, let the fish do their thing. Eventually the parents will stop caring for this batch, at that point they will be easy targets for the other fish. In my tank, my krib pair (not too different from convicts imo) had dozens of fry. The fry and other fish whittled it down to about 10 today (if that, I don’t have a good count) and the original pair.
I’d assume by 1.5 to 2 inches the hrp can be easily sexed. Maybe earlier or later depending on the individual.
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News from Goon City.

After much squabbling back and forth with the rainbows Pepper and Salt, my HRP Pip has once again claimed the large log for herself and her 15+ fry. The rainbows abandoned the log after I cleaned out their eggs. Most of Pip's surviving fry are 1/4" inch now and plump. Corn the severum and Boss the bp still fight at times but its pretty one sided as the parrot bangs the severum around then rams him into the plants. Corn defends himself and still gets banged around. If he liplocks with Boss he has to break free. Sometimes I find him stuck in a bush, lol.

Boss and Tango are the most massive parrots with Kong not far behind. I have to put Tango on a 'diet' at times because he seems to gain weight easily even with moderate to light food.

Bobo the chocolate broke out in random pimples the other day. I 'salted' her and they disappeared immediately. Monitoring for now.

Jazz the acara and Pip the HRP had a battle royale three days ago. After weeks of getting her tail pecked Jazz was pissed and had enough. They spun, collided and liplocked. Jazz dominated the fight. The two are neutral now.

Brick is allowing more fish to stay in his area. The synos get popped in the head, though. You can hear the hollow sound. He'll run the severum out based on mood. Generally he ignores the acara but ocassionally will chase. He hunted Pip when she pecked his tail defending her fry. Nearly caught her...Brick almost ate her whole. He's good with the rainbows. He and the parrot Boss run the tank. After that there is no heirarchy it changes every two days based on mood, hormones, pink dragons, whatever.

The fact that the Oscar has cleared out about 70 percent of the floor space has a lot to do with his 'generosity'.

Pics coming soon.
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