More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Pip is one helluva little fish. She has her hands (or fins) full defending her fry. The babies are starting to swim outside the 'safe' area a lot and the others are lurking, looking to pick them off at every opportunity now that they're easy to target because of size. My largest syno Cash already had a belly full of food this evening. He went over into Pip's area and shuffled over the sand for food and nearly snagged a fry. Pip whacked him in the side. The syno spun trying to stab his sharp fin into the HRP. Pip swam head on into Cash and cracked him right between the eyes. The syno freaked out, jamming himself into plants to escape. My acara Jazz rooted behind a bush some fry went into. Before she could grab one Pip flew around the corner and popped her in a straight shot. Jazz flew out of there like a silver bullet.

She's even gone after the Oscar twice, but very carefully avoiding the business end, pecking his tail. Nearly made a costly mistake though getting herself pinned in a corner. Speed and space saved her. Brick doesn't hassle small fish much, but at the end of the day he's still an Oscar! Weirdly enough the severum Corn is like teflon. He goes over to the fry for snacks and Pip just disappears and does nothing. I don't get it. Boss the BP scans the sand for tasty babies but Pip will tag him in the belly so he rolls away. But the rainbows are time enough for her. When she flies at them they just tilt sideways so she can't get a direct hit.

Channeling her inner Convict, all three inches of thicc terror! Yowza.

Pip guards.jpg
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Not good news. I may have lost all the fry in the bucket. Went to change their water. They were all at the surface, so I figured low oxygen. They'd never done that before. So as I was scooping out the bad water they started rolling over! I hadn't even added fresh water yet. Added fresh water, prime. Added a large airstone to go with the filter. Just hoping for the best at this point as I won't know until the water clears more and I can put a flashlight over top.

The fry in the main tank with Pip are doing extremely well, and I may just leave them there with her until they're over 1/2". They're getting chunky and easy to see at a distance now. She spits clouds of mashed pellet for them to eat.

Unbelievable. All this happened in like, a minute. ?
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Bucket tossed.

So now I will concentrate on the remaining fry. Confirmed at least 18 (maybe up to 20+). Can easily see their stripe pattern now. None that I've seen so far show Mongo's color...maybe that will change as they grow.

I've been trying to make sense out of what happened to the other fry. Best guess? They smothered from lack of oxygen. As I removed the oxygen depleted water there was even less volume so they smothered before I could add the fresh water. They normally got clean water daily. I will learn from this. Next time I'll add clean water before removing old water. Not sure why the water got so bad in one day, maybe because I had added extra fry before.
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