Obey tank rule or else. Brick whacks the syno Spot for coming out too soon. Synos don't seem to be the brightest bulbs in the box. Spot just sits there before getting cracked in the head.
Haven't posted recently on Patch due to her condition (body lump on other side) but here she is, playing with surface bubbles. She goes to the vet Wednesday for an aspirate and x ray follow up.
I have to admit, this was a surprise discovery. Brick loves resting on the monster log like an elevated perch. He's hovering next to it here. That's not the surprise. The log is 13 inches long. Brick clearly is not. I last measured him months ago just over 14, but I think I'll have to break out the ruler again in December when he turns 4.
I've ordered another one on amazon for the other fish. Both synos are in this one and the other fish squabble constantly trying to use it. The log is great for large cichlids. This one is 8 inches tall.