• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

More tank pics, updated

Small update

Brick's over the top theatrics continue. Late yesterday after clearing space around the big log, he once again blocked it with plants. This morning he pulled the plants away AGAIN and the log is now turned on its side with the flat bottom facing out. So this is day three of tantrums: knocking equipment over, spitting sand at fish, slamming a boulder against the glass and getting his head stuck in the log. He hasn't acted this ridiculous since he was an 8" juvie.

Boss is a determined parrot. As soon as I flipped the log back over he found a way to squeeze in. I saw him peeping through the side hole.
Things have settled down now that Brick has adjusted to the new aqua scaping changes. There are wide open areas mixed with low plants and 'partition lanes'. Along the back wall are taller plants for hiding/resting and some floating stuff as usual. It's a pretty simple formula with the oscar. Give him enough room and he's a sweetheart. Crowd him and all hell breaks loose. Pip and her 5 babies prefer the large log. There's some squabbling with the synos but nothing serious. Boss the bp stays close to the log looking for an opportunity to squeeze in. It's basically a community apartment. I might add a smaller log along the back wall.

I've added two more air stones to the main tank bringing the total to 4. Brick especially likes this so he can take 'bubble baths' by sitting in the streams. Water circulation is further improved with the changes and there are less dead spots for stuff to accumulate. With the 50 some hrp babies out of the main tank overall water quality has dramatically improved.

Overall the tank is much calmer with minimal fighting. There's a large open area reserved for feeding so all the fish go there. It encourages some socialization even with individuals that don't necessarily get along and keeps the tank cleaner (less wasted food). The large fish are back to swimming the lower levels, something that had stopped with all the little hrps skittering around over the sand.

Patch (bp) goes on May 18th for her return appointment with the vet. I've decided to once again try to treat her lump aggressively this month. It continues to go back and forth. At the largest it's nearly a golf ball. Then it shrinks some, but she still hasn't gotten rid of it. I believe she's gotten larger, too. I can compare her overall body size easily with Kong who's tank is next to hers. What amazes me is that she still seems completely unaffected by this thing, whatever it is. She eats, plays and even swims in a straight line. She has to roll a bit when feeding at the bottom, but that's it. Eats like crazy and her color is great. I keep her water clean with lots of aeration and movement. I'm big on aeration for water quality since it pushes everything to the filters faster along with oxygenation at the surface.

Her condition seemed to respond best to metro, so that's what I'm using. I decided to try the repashy gel (suggested by others here) as mixing meds with pellets was getting sloppy. The Focus would bind it all together and make it gritty but sometimes the pellets would still break up in the water before she could grab them. I made a big batch of the repashy/metro yesterday not sure if she would eat it. Thankfully she's never been a picky eater.

No worries. Patch slammed the repashy down like a champ. I'm using the goldfish formula with lower protein. If this batch weren't medicated I'd test it out on the other fish to see if they like it. There's plenty left over so I may do that. Lasts up to 2 weeks in the fridge once mixed.

After seeing members here with fish having similar conditions with body lumps rolling over what can I say? Patch is just different. And the first vet was so right. He said even if the swelling goes away it doesn't deal with the underlying condition as the cause. She got rid of it that one time and hasn't shook it since. The x ray and aspirate should give more information.
Got a very nice price quote for the 125 stand from Edge Ironworks located in Michigan. They do wrought angle iron (solid) with double cross bracing and extra legs for acrylic tanks. Biggest cost is freight ($600), but since the stand would only be $300 the overall price is still less than it would be for a wood stand. Their stands are guaranteed for up to 300 gallons. So cost would be $900. Locally in DC the quotes run to $2,000 with welders. You really have to do your homework in this area.

Closest thing in price would be a Classic wood stand from Glass cages, but it would be unfinished without side doors. Their real basic model. You would have to request side doors. I do like their color options for metal (blue, black, gray, red) But their price would be the same as custom aquariums, around $1800-1900. Going up in grade with the wood the price jumps. The Ebay fabricator quoted about $1000 for metal (including 3 day shipping) but didn't (or wouldn't) say if the metal is raw or clear coated.

Pip's babies in the tub are doing well. I still want to get them a bit bigger before calling Pet Stores, but they're getting close. I'll probably keep five and try to sex them. In the main tank there are five babies, down from six. One of the large ones took a dive over the back wall of the tank. The fry had both eyes missing and the brain socket was empty. Don't know what happened. Was probably there for a day or two when I discovered it.

Of the five in the main tank, the runt is very long (arrow shaped) and silvery in color with thin stripes. Three are large and chunky and darker. The fourth is super jumbo size, basically half grown and looks like a teenage Pip. The biggest one stays close to mama. The others roam a little and squabble but don't get too far either. Meanwhile hot mama is parading around in breeding dress with little pink spangles over her stripes and blue lip/cheek circles and top fin. She doesn't stay this way long enough for me to get a good picture.

Boss (BP) and Corn (Severum) seem to have an unofficial war going on. For the longest time the parrot banged the severum around every day. Could be Corn's tired of it, could be because he's maturing but all I know is they go back and forth a lot. Right now Boss has the edge at a 60/40 clip. Lately Corn's been the instigator. Boss doesn't like being in the open too much which favors Corn. Corn is faster and can maneuver better, Boss has the strength and power edge. So a long fight in space favors the severum, a short fight in close quarters favors the parrot. Both are palm sized. For some reason the parrot hasn't gotten along well with either of my severums. No missing scales or split fins despite the nonsense.

Brick (oscar) decides outcome when he gets involved. Nobody messes with the parrot, so Corn is sent flying across the tank and into 'jail'. Then he'll hide in plants until the oscar loses interest. Brick often shields Boss while the parrot eats, its really cute. When Boss is done he goes back into his favorite spot in the plants along the back wall. He'll sit in the powerhead blast for hours tangled in vines.

Things are pretty calm since the oscar makes sure it stays that way. Its really funny seeing tankmates fight all around him and he just sits in the sand like he could care less. Once he gets annoyed everyone gets run out and sent to their corners. The synos likewise obey tank rule. Even though they battle they'll both cram in the monster log just to stay out of the way.

Such is life in Goon Town.
