More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
A cameo of Kong showing his thickness...he is a massive parrot. His war with the large marimo ball is over, I had to remove it. He ripped it to the point where it was holding excess poop like a bird nest and clouding the water. He's fine with the small balls and likes pushing them around so I left those in there.

View attachment 1363965

THICC (i'm not going to stop with this)
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Do they have torn lips from the tournaments? More great colors highlighted in your tank. I like that one too that showed the entire aquarium. I spelled out " thicc" in front of aquarium. Lol. I guess I had Noob'sAquarist comment on my mind. It kind of sticks with you.
Do they have torn lips from the tournaments? More great colors highlighted in your tank. I like that one too that showed the entire aquarium. I spelled out " thicc" in front of aquarium. Lol. I guess I had Noob'sAquarist comment on my mind. It kind of sticks with you.

Nope, not a mark anywhere. That's why I call it nonsense. Brick will still chase Boss periodically but only on his side of the tank and quickly returns to the "east side." But he will go start and fight then promptly's the craziest thing I've ever seen. But the fighting is really much less than it was, mostly because Brick is calming down a bit (except when eating). Now if I could tame this new habit of leaping out of the water and grabbing my knuckle.

I can pet and tickle Brick now, even push him aside with the net. Sometimes I have to nudge him away because he's just too curious and nosy when I'm working in the tank.

The only fish with some lip damage is Kong...his mouth healed slightly crooked from his fight with Patch months ago.
Small update...Patch has laid eggs at a record pace. The inside of her canister is completely covered! She's been going at it for two days now. Will post a pic soon. She's been nesting and relaxing in her 'house' so I leave her to her work. She does appear a bit exhausted which is understandable.

Brick appears to have grown some more but I won't measure him until April. He's like a goofy puppy. :drool:
As promised, pics of big momma Patch. A before and after. The first pic is her 'dark peach' color phase which never lasts long. This was a day before she started laying eggs...

Patch before eggs.jpg
This is her true color, an ice pink. Note the difference! She's been laying eggs at a breakneck clip off and on for three days. The entire inside of the canister is covered.

patch 1.jpg

patch 2 copy.jpg

Patch 3 copy.jpg
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