More tank pics, updated


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
I have 3 golden lab Cichlids. 'People fish'. Smart and like to play 'tag' chasing my finger. Fun fish. They 'know' and recognize . Pretty smart too.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Cue circus music and speed up the tape! So Chip (green severum) and Rex (syno cat) went into the 225 late yesterday, under "moon" light. Boss (BP) was in his pot, Brick (O)was hanging out sleeping in the pothos. Brick cocked an eye and noticed Rex on the bottom. He drifted down and pushed his face in the sand next to Rex! It had the look of "hmm, is this tasty?" So I tapped the glass...Brick didn't move but Rex finally did.

Chip meanwhile was exploring the tank and made his way over to Boss. Boss comes out, they swim together a bit. Brick decides to protest by laying down on his side. When that accomplished nothing he went over and tried to cram himself into Boss' pot (with Boss now inside). That didn't work either, so THEN he decided to hide behind Boss' pot and lay down. He refused to move or go back to his side. This nonsense went on for hours. Then he got pissed and ripped at some plants, still refusing to go back to his side.

Chip was a bit skittish at first but seemed to like the new, much larger digs. Rex was very active, swimming the whole water column and along the sides. Chip is terrified of nets so I picked him up from the bucket. He was totally calm. I see now what people mean about Severums. They get out of the way yet hold their ground. Chip is cautious around Brick but I wouldn't say truly intimidated. Brick chases him and can't catch, Chip abruptly stops like "okay, that's enough running" then promptly goes back and swims right alongside Brick. This of course confuses my O. Then they do it again. Boss comes over to investigate and run interference when Brick chases Chip. Then Brick chases Boss. Then Boss swims with Chip back to his pot.

Rex ignores everybody. He's in heaven, cleaning along algae areas and munching on the marimos. He lays on all the plants and the filters. Brick gives him the eye but can't catch him either. Brick doesn't know who to chase anymore or how much. So he gets frustrated and blasts across the tank looking for a fight. This means going after Boss in his pot.

And that still doesn't work either...they scuffle then Brick goes back to his side. He doesn't seem to be as comfortable because Chip and Rex like his side better. How can you be a bully when nobody cares? He chases, they go right back like nothing happened. An interesting side effect is Boss is now out of his pot more during the day. He seems to intimidate Rex and Chip more than Brick does. When he chases they are hesitant to go to his side. At the same time, he and Chip swim together some. At one point Chip, Brick and Boss were all circling each other slowly like sharks. Brick got frustrated, tried to chase Boss and ended up running himself into the plants and got stuck. Screwball cichlids!

Brick keeps trying to show he's large and in charge, but the inmates are running the asylum. Both Chip and Rex will grow larger so things will change again. And Brick is huge...the size comparison against the others is crazy now (mom commented he's now pan sized) :grinno: . Even crazier is that a severum with probably 1/5th his mass had him out of sorts and laying down in the sand.

Chip of course looks like a large wafer compared to Brick and Boss...he's low on the THICC meter. I'm really pleased at how Rex has settled in, he isn't shy or 'nocturnal' at all. Roams the tank and is totally unfazed by the foolishness. Brick will chase Chip, who runs to Boss' area. Then Boss chases him back over to Brick. Then Chip stays on Brick's side and nothing happens. No injuries, so I'm just watching the show until it settles down. Chip is a bit 'roughed up' because he scratched himself racing into things. Nothing major. He has great potential
and has started to color up already. A bit more time and size and he should be spectacular.

I forgot to mention Brick was kind of ticked this morning, too...he wouldn't eat right away. But I waved the bowl and all was good. In fact he and Boss ate twice this morning. Chip and Rex cleaned up pellets the other two didn't get.

So send in the clowns and paper hats...:y220d:this promises to be entertaining if nothing else.

I wasn't Brick's favorite person this morning. He was pretty mad about the new arrivals:

Sulking 2 copy.jpg

Sulking copy.jpg

hiding 1.jpg

not happy copy.jpg

pissed copy.jpg
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Rex goes near Boss' pot. He doesn't like that too much, and chases Rex away. In the second pic he's pretty annoyed.

Boss chasing off Rex 1 copy.jpg

Boss annoyed by Rex copy.jpg


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Boss is on the lookout, fully aware that Brick is right there. Brick's still sulking and refusing to go away.

Boss on lookout copy.jpg


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Chip's not exactly "THICC". In the second pic he's diving to avoid a chasing Brick. Brick slammed on the brakes when he saw me take the pic.

