Mongo (back) with sons Bumper (L) and Mote (R). Mote has unique goggle like eyes. Mote's also a smaller male but is very passive and avoids trouble. He and Shade have a faded stripe pattern they've kept into adulthood.
Mongo and his grandfry Brutus. They have similar hyper aggressive personalities. Brutus gravitates more towards Mongo and Mongo will allow him in his area at times. This isn't common because Mongo is less tolerant sharing his turf than Slade.
Kong's gone piebald again! Normally she's solid her body is pink and her snout is almost red. Wild! Her sibling Boss doesn't do this and I suspect it's hormone related. These weird color changes only happen before she lays eggs.
Comparison profiles of Mongo and Slade. Mongo has the Heterochromia Iridium (two color eyes). Slade has lots of melanin which has increased as he matured.