Breakdown and current status of the named hrps. Generation in parentheses:
Mongo (G1) pink marble (fry/donated fry)
Slade (G1) pink marble (fry/donated fry)
Pip (G1) striped (fry/donated fry)
(Out of Mongo/Pip)
Hulk (G2) striped
Tank (G2) striped
Bubba (G2) striped
Stripey (G2) striped (donated fry)
Lazarus (G2) striped
Bruce (G2) striped
Scooter (G2) striped
Dusty (G2) striped
Bumper (G2) striped
Shade (G2) striped
Matches (G2) striped
Huey (G2) striped (donated)
Hugo (G2) striped (donated)
Mote (G2) striped
Flash (G2) striped (donated all fry except one see below*)
Blaze (G2) striped (fry/donated fry)
Speck (G2) striped (fry/donated fry)
Bella (G2) striped
Xena (G2) striped (fry/donated fry)
(Out of Mongo's daughter Speck/Slade. These are a split generation outcross since Slade never bred with Pip directly.)
Blackbeard (G2/G3) pink marble
Brutus (G2/G3) pink marble
Ace (G2/G3) pink
Neet (G2/G3) quad pink
Squiggy (G2/G3) pink marble
Arrow (G2/G3) late blooming quad pink
Matches (G2/G3) striped
Dotty (G2/G3) pink (donated/donated fry)
Out of Slade/Speck
Harlequin (G3) quad pink
Mica (G3) quad pink
Out of Mongo/Blaze
Minka (G3) striped (fry all eaten/vanished)
Reeva (G3) striped
Out of Mica/Mello pinks (Mello donated) Mica/Mello both siblings out of Slade/Speck
approx 35 pink fry (G3/G4)
Out of Brutus/Xena
10 fry, pink and striped (G3/G4)
Out of Harlequin/Slade
3 pink fry (G4)
Out of Blackbeard/Xena (G3/G4)
approx 30 pink fry
Out of Flash/Matches striped (siblings)
Renegade Baby* (G3) striped (escaped being caught and donated)
Pip had even more fry with Mongo but about 40 or so were lost in the bucket accident. She also had about 30+ with huge son Stripey, the only jumbo male proven fertile.
All fry out of Mongo and Minka were eaten and/or disappeared. This is the first and only time this has occurred. I suspect Minka was too young to protect and Mongo tried but the larger fries polished them off. I also saw syno Cash in the area where the fry stayed.
Order of Queens:
Pip, the OG ancestral queen in the 225. Daughter Bella challenged but lost.
Speck, the OG Queen of the125.
Blaze succeeded her sister as Queen of the 125.
Xena, Queen of the grow out.
Dotty, OG Queen in Lazarus' tank. Succeeded now by sister Flash.
All of the breeding dominant females have more intense/deeper color and more aggression. Hierarchy is static while the males always jockey for position.
No hierarchy of the huge hrp males in the 225. BP Boss runs that show. Tank especially gets ugly but the parrot just muscles them all around. Brick will lunge at them for exercise.
Minka, Blaze, Xena, and Harlequin are in the all female breeder. Reeva will be joining them before too long.
125 is run by Mongo and Slade but the other males get contentious if they push things too far. Dusty, Scooter and Stripey especially are too territorial to intimidate. If left alone they make no waves. Bubba picks fights at times and squabbles break out. No one gets hurt despite the activity and posturing.