More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
First, update on the pothos. It's doing very well. Overall there's only been about 5% melt after 3 weeks. Starting to get sprouts underwater. The first month tells you what your success will be. Another big advantage of pothos besides nitrate absorption is odor control. Usually there's a certain 'swampy" scent around the tanks that gets pretty raunchy when old water is being pumped out. The 225 would stink to the roof when it was time for a change.There is absolutely no odor now in any of the tanks even during water changes. I've got more neon pothos on the way and some hornwort I've bid on Ebay, a huge bunch of it. I've had virtually zero melt in the 225 and no melt from the neon pothos at all.

I need to make a movie vid of these fish of mine. They are a blast. Yesterday it's buisness as usual in cichlid city....hours of order mixed with a minute or two of chaos in spurts. Buddy, the once picked on smallest hrp brother is now taking it to his hulking siblings. He goes after Hulk when Hulk comes out in the open. He goes after Tank too, but not as much. Bruce is the one he gets mixed results with but it's a major change all around. Red rainbow Salt is neutral but will give an assist with chasing as needed.

So it got really wild. My parrot Boss has become more interactive in the last year, coming up to greet and even following my hand a little. He's never been a finger chaser like the other parrots. He's still my most independent fish but not nearly as aloof. He even swims to the top now and occasionally glass surfs as I approach. But he still likes mixing it up as tank enforcer the best, going out of his way to chase the huge males.

So Brick the thick is hovering over his pit. The hrp brothers are squabbling and chasing in circles. Boss is at the front glass watching me sweep the floor. Tank and Hulk try cornering Buddy behind Brick.

Boss does a little head tllt like he sees out the corner of his eye. He then shoots across the tank and swims under the oscar to get involved in the skirmish. Tank got tagged first, followed by Hulk. Buddy then pairs with Boss and they run his brothers back into the plants.

Meanwhile big Red just kept ignoring everything like "y'all go at it. I'm out."

Later Brick got challenged by Hulk who apparently didn't like the Oscar being so close to his area. The hrp juked, shook his tail and did a shimmy shake. Brick just kept swimming at him slowly with the maw open. Hulk did a 90 degree turn and darted into the plants. Said it before and I'll say it again: Honduran Redpoints make terrible goons.

Speaking of Brick he's doing another color shift. His melanin is increasing making him look pretty dark except on his sides. Like he's rolled in charcoal or something. Weird!
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Not sure what I’m missing but I’ve tried growing pothos underwater and they act like anubius…they don’t die but don’t grow either. What’s the secret, do you bury the roots or just let it float and how long are your lights on for?
Not sure what I’m missing but I’ve tried growing pothos underwater and they act like anubius…they don’t die but don’t grow either. What’s the secret, do you bury the roots or just let it float and how long are your lights on for?

Two things are critical. LET IT FLOAT and use lots of aeration with air stones and water movement. You want the bubbles flowing over the leaves. This will help provide the oxygenation the plants would normally get by air while they adapt to be submerged. Let a couple of leaves poke above the surface a little. Eventually the roots will go downward anyway. Fish fertilizer and food particles do the rest for nutrition. Don't expect these to grow like hornwort submerged. You will get longer roots first then shoots. Leaves grown fully submerged will be smaller. Large leaves that don't melt will get even bigger.

If they grow too slow just buy a lot. Same difference.

I have the Finnex 24/7 grow led lights. Full day cycle. If you have anything dimming the light on your lid like algae, clean it off. You want that light beaming strong on the pothos. Younger plants will grow a little faster. If you already have a vine that's best to start with.

I will be posting updated pothos pics.
Thanks for the tips! I think my problem is that I didn’t have an aerator, which makes a lot of sense. I’ll give that a try
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It's the weekend. Pic time!

Pothos updates first. Some small melt but far less than I expected. Trimmed /clipped leaves had no recurrence of problems. Have some new shoots, too. Only thing annoying is the leaves collect food particles in the tanks with sponge filters and I keep cleaning them off. Doesn't seem to bother the leaves though. Leaves trimmed of spots stay healthy in the water. I've increased the circulation in the growout tank. The lime pothos in the 225 is completely unaffected by being submerged. It's the only type with no melt at all so far. Roots growing everywhere.





Boss gets involved, facing off against Hulk. Brick moves closer to the fun but still doesn't give a damn. The way these fish will fight around another fish makes me laugh every time. Brick acts like they aren't even there.

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