New Pics. The boring stuff is first.
I'm really pleased with the new growth on the Pothos branches. They're coming in clusters. Hopefully some will grow along every stem node. I wasn't sure how they'd take since this is first time I got Pothos from an actual tree with wood branches. After several weeks I still have 60 percent of the leaves and they're doing fine. One area of branch went soft but where it ended I had new growth underwater! So I just cut that part off. Finnex lighting, early morning mode.

I'm really pleased with the new growth on the Pothos branches. They're coming in clusters. Hopefully some will grow along every stem node. I wasn't sure how they'd take since this is first time I got Pothos from an actual tree with wood branches. After several weeks I still have 60 percent of the leaves and they're doing fine. One area of branch went soft but where it ended I had new growth underwater! So I just cut that part off. Finnex lighting, early morning mode.