More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
New Pics. The boring stuff is first.

I'm really pleased with the new growth on the Pothos branches. They're coming in clusters. Hopefully some will grow along every stem node. I wasn't sure how they'd take since this is first time I got Pothos from an actual tree with wood branches. After several weeks I still have 60 percent of the leaves and they're doing fine. One area of branch went soft but where it ended I had new growth underwater! So I just cut that part off. Finnex lighting, early morning mode.

pothos 1.jpg

Pothos 2.jpg
Now to the nonsense.

Brick is back in "Oscar" mode the last few days. Wrecking the tank, making mess, and looking for random stuff to get into. Sometimes he chases the Chocolate Bobo for exercise...last night Bobo couldn't finish his dinner and was running from the O with a mealworm in his mouth! Then after weeks of ignoring a boulder near the front he decided he had to move it. Then he made a sandstorm over where the BP Boss stays, making a pit (Boss filled it back in later, lol). Ripped a few plant stems off. Poops everywhere EXCEPT in his area where he sleeps. That stays clean!

So then I find Bobo's PVC hutch turned sideways and shoved against the front glass. Bobo couldn't get in and waited on the opposite side of the tank. The thing weighs 3lbs. So I straighten out the PVC hutch and Bobo immediately goes back in his house. Then it was blocked again hours later with a filter pad (pulled from one of the ACL 110s). And again, Bobo couldn't get in and waited in the opposite corner. I moved it, he went inside.

So yesterday evening late I'm going to turn the lights out. I'm greeted with water and pellets on the fishroom floor...and on the frame and stand. I normally leave the middle lid open so Brick can bounce his basketball easier. There's more water on the floor elsewhere, but you get the idea.


waterworks 2.jpg

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Brick doesn't seem to have as much fun chasing Bobo as he did Chip, it's like chasing a speed bump. In a straight line he almost runs into the Chocolate chasing him, but he's too thick to turn in tight corners anymore. So he just shoots across the tank then slams on the brakes...its funny as hell. Then Bobo just stops swimming and drifts around like a balloon. Chocolates remind you of Oscars. Oscars do not remind you of Chocolates.

Mischief is his middle name.

Brick 2.jpg
Your Oscar is beautifully coloured!
And patch your BP sleeps like my betta...hummm maybe they used bettas in the cross breeding ???
Your Oscar is beautifully coloured!
And patch your BP sleeps like my betta...hummm maybe they used bettas in the cross breeding ???

Sometimes Patch will have her back out of the water when she's resting with the fin sticking up. She works hard to shape the vines so she can go up in them and sleep! At night she sleeps in her hutch though. None of my other parrots sleep like that.

I call Brick the "Cherry Bomb" Oscar, following the fad of giving different color morphs silly names!
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