Typical Cichlid City weekend. Bobo won't be having any beauty shots for awhile...
someone rearranged the tank last night for open lanes. Why? So they could fight, of course! The bushes next to Bobo's house were all moved away, making a clear open lane. All I know is I saw the BP Boss "running" from the Choc. Fifteen minutes later Bobo has busted lips again (the top one is flapping). And the BP was charging head on at the Chocolate. This of course is when I wasn't in the room. Never ever trust what you think you see with cichlids, I'm finding out. Somebody is playing a game...I might put the acara and rainbow in sooner than planned, we'll see. They're all due for a large w/c tomorrow.
So the parrot plays at 'running' from the Choc. Now to be honest, Bobo stinks at intimidation...he just kind of drifts at the parrot with his mouth open. But Boss would skitter away and avoid him all of a sudden. So I'm like wtf did all this come from? Later on Bobo has a sore mouth and Boss is just fine. To Bobo's credit it doesn't affect him eating or swimming about the tank (even if he is forced to the other side by Brick). Sometimes he'll go looking for trouble and finds it. But I figured out what Boss is doing...I've always said he's very tactical and deliberate. He basically 'runs' from the choc, circles back, then goes at him head on. It's almost like a setup. But then if he's not in the mood he'll hold his ground even if Bobo goes after him. It's all over the place but generally Boss ignores Bobo unless he goes over on one side of the tank. The parrot and Oscar basically nest on one side.
The elephant in the room, er, tank, is of course Brick. Depending on
his mood he'll come over to either observe, interfere, or chase Bobo back into his house.
Fortunately Bobo is a quick healer. Lip salad.