More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
After chasing Bobo, Felix and Pepper for exercise Brick heads back to his cove. The white areas are actually scales with black dots he's beginning to show. It makes me wonder if one of his parents is lutino.

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Brick stretches out on the 'beach', then fans himself. He'll take a nap most anywhere. Normally this happens in the evening after a meal. I will get out the ruler in September.

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Beautiful photos and I love reading your commentary.
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Minor update. Everyone is doing well! This is the most interesting and fun combo so far. All the fish are completely different in size/color/shape...the two smallest have changed the dynamic for the better. Now the 'biguns' explore the tank like they haven't done in months. The acara and rainbow swim around the others with no fear. They favor swimming with the chocolate (the acara even took a couple of shots, funny as hell).

Pepper has to be the fastest fish I've ever had...he can literally swim the 6ft tank in 2-3 seconds. I've never seen anything like it. My eyes get tired looking at him skitter like a crazy thing up and down the glass walls. He never seems to tire...have no idea where he gets the energy from. The big fish just hang there while he spins around them like a satellite.

Felix has his moments of speed (more directional than straight line) but nothing like the lil' turbo booster.

The pvc tube that Tango was so afraid I placed in the main tank. It didn't tank long for Boss to check it out...I was curious as to if he would fit...its only a 4" tall opening. So the first time Boss couldn't get in, so I had an idea. The sand I levelled at the bottom for appearance I removed. That tiny bit of clearance was just enough! The sumo parrot squeezed in with no room to spare (he had to fold his fins). If he gets any bigger he won't fit at all. But the acara and rainbow like it too.

So Brick being Brick he decided to check it out too. Sat in front of the pipe and looked it over (I could almost hear the wheels turning). Thought about it, tried to get in (fail). So he just stuck his head in a minute then backed out, lol. I really wasn't worried about the Oscar trying to get stuck...he had less than no chance of getting in there anyway. But Brick lets nothing by, especially if its new. He just HAS to investigate. Nosiest O evuh.

Pics if I can get them. Pepper is so fast he blurs in the burst pic feature. ?
You’re a great writer and very observant.

Thanks. I do write fanfiction, tho...its fun and keeps the brain sharp.

But these characters need no fiction! Sometimes I don't believe them myself...right now my two female parrots keep banging the glass lids, and I wish they would quit. I think they're chasing bubbles, racing to the top and BAM! Patch has already knocked her strip light loose. How she doesn't hurt herself or knock herself out is beyond me. Kong isn't much better, but she hasn't moved the glass yet.
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