More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Brick and Boss on patrol. Below them Bobo darts into his house. Boss is the only fish who has survived the Oscar's growth and hormonal aggression intact. He's amazingly clever and aggressive when he needs to be. They've been enemies, frenemies, and friends. Now they are inseparable. Once Brick got too big to lip lock with Boss changed his tactic to head butts. This still happens on occasion. Even the chocolate will dart away when he sees the Oscar head on. The parrot holds his ground. As with all my parrots, Boss has gotten more aggressive as he's gotten older. Compared to the others he's the mildest one, but he's still a lip ripper.

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Someone here posted about the weight of Oscars once they pass 12 inches and how the mass just explodes. I questioned the statement at the time to be honest. Brick is my first Oscar and I'm like 'okay, he's big already.' This was months ago. But now that he's past a foot, I get it! His head is huge. I've measured him already but I plan to measure again in December which will be his 'year 2 anniversary.' I am totally stoked for his ultimate potential. Never had a fish this big before, so its still fresh to me. And he still gets pats and tickles sometimes.

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Small news and something for me to monitor.

Small news first. Patch somehow dragged her heater to the middle of her tank. It hung suspended by the cord (knocked off the suction cup). This is the first time she's done this. She's also back to banging the glass lid again. Once she knocked the filter cover off just enough to cause water dripping down the back wall. I thought her tank had a leak!

Tonight my Chocolate cichlid Bobo took a shot at my Oscar Brick...popped him pretty good as the Oscar was swimming away. Never saw this before. I think Bobo was tired of Brick hanging around in his territory. So in his usual passive aggressive manner he took a cheap shot then darted back in his house. He always does this. Part of it I suspect is he's tired of being a punching bag. But he also goes looking for trouble when things are quiet. Lately he tries to steal the parrot's food that I put in a clip pouch. As a result he and Boss have scuffles, usually resulting in a busted lip (for Bobo). And he keeps going back for more.

So anyway, the oscar swims away after getting hit. But he took his time about it. Then Brick ate some mealworms, swam back over to Bobo and blocked his house with his body, keeping the chocolate from getting out. (I watched) for the next fifteen minutes he sat there on purpose, daring the choc to come out. Then he was trying to get at the chocolate inside. Lucky for Bobo Brick's now too big to stuff himself in the pvc pipe. What I know for certain is (a) pissing off Brick doesn't end well (b) Bobo takes cheap shots when he can't win a fight (c) since his growth spurt Bobo is pushing the envelope. He's big enough now to be a centerpiece fish. His biggest problem is a large-going-on-huge oscar who totally outclasses him and does whatever he wants. His other problem is a big BP who won't back down and also gives 'payback' as they go back and forth. The acara is his buddy and somewhat protective.

Will keep an eye on this. I've seen this movie in black and white. The Oscar is tight with the BP and tolerant of other tank mates as long as he isn't challenged. I also know the choc is really afraid of the O...this stuff is defensive. Any other time he's quick to get out of the way as soon as the O is near.
Small news and update.

One large male acara (blue) and one Honduran Redpoint are on the way. I set up their QT tank this afternoon (no water yet). I'll be using media from the other tanks and starting them with some 'dirty' water mix right away. I want to move this QT right along. My poor chocolate Bobo has been stressed since his acara buddy Felix is gone. Half the time he shows his tiger stripes and now stays on one side of the tank, either up near the top or tucked away. Only rarely does he cross mid tank now. He' also getting a bit skittish at times and quick to dart. He still comes up to greet me and for the most part eats. But there's a definite change. Pepper (rainbow cichlid) is a bit too independent to keep him company consistently. The two dominant fish (Oscar and Blood Parrot) have little to do with him.

90 percent of this is caused by a certain red oscar who uses his size, strength and attitude to chase, press, or just intimidate the choc. At times Brick will go mess with Bobo for the %$## of it. He crowds the chocolate's space, presses him into his hide, or chases him into a corner. The Parrot Boss piles on for fun, following the Oscar when he chases the choc. Boss won't go after Bobo directly unless he's defending his area.

Its gone really south since Bobo took a body shot at Brick two weeks ago. Likely out of frustration and defending his turf because he never did that before. All I could think of was the "You know you've f____ed up when." meme. Nobody gets away with pissing off Brick except Boss. It isn't always chasing, but the low key stress to Bobo has to stop. The oscar will swim at him and stop just to see the other fish run. Then he turns and goes back to his area.

So I figure the acara will help Bobo and the redpoint will be a new running buddy for the rainbow. At least I hope so. More updates as I get 'em.