Days away from year 2 anniversary for the fish.
Right now my lil' goon Pepper (rainbow cichlid) is sporting a nice beauty mark on his head...he and the syno catfishes go back and forth over the branch cave. He gets chased out then flies back in and pops the catfishes in the head. Its so ridiculous they roll over sideways when Pepper gets close. They get especially nervous when he's near their eyes. Pepper is getting chunky.
Since pissing off my Oscar Brick weeks ago (he took a shot at the oscar in the side.) Bobo has paid the price. If he creeps across the tank too far he gets chased and pressed in the corner. Brick will run him into his house then sit there in the sand, daring Bobo to come out (he doesn't). He's pretty much under house arrest. My oscar forgets nothing. Brick will grab his tail if he doesn't move fast enough. Bobo's lucky the oscar isn't violent. But he
will bully as the mood strikes. He either ignores Bobo or hassles him for the **** of it.
Status quo for the parrots. Kong is seeing 'monsters' again when I wear a black top. So she wouldn't come out and eat until I covered it up with a jacket. Tango is huge, a big fat coin shape. Boss is a big ass ball. He grows vertically and sideways. Patch cranks out eggs like a chicken factory. But she's gotten a lot better at clean up (grateful me).
The QT crew
My jumbo male acara
Nemo is playful, goofy as hell and oblivious. I could blow a trumpet at the tank and he will still race across the front glass for hours like nothing is going on. Mostly silvery with blue head patches and flowing fins. Gets along well with the HRP, unlike my other acaras who squabbled with smaller fish after a while. So far I haven't needed a divider.
Pip is the honduran redpoint. He's growing amazingly fast. I feed heavily and give 80% wc every 2 days. Sometimes he's dark and sometimes he's boldly striped. Fearless. Reminds me of a water sprite. Seems to have the attitude of a convict. The few times Nemo moves at him he comes right back. Pip comes up to the top to snatch food from my fingers, something even Pepper didn't do.
Brick is breaking out his black...his chin is black sometimes. He has lots of black across the top of his back. Looks like I rolled him in pepper. And yeah, white scales with black dots too. What he'll look like in the next year or two is anybody's guess. His parents must have had one helluva night.
Lots of pics in the works. Just sayin'.