Typical weekend in Goon Town. For your entertainment, an Oscar (Brick) a Chocolate (Bobo) a rainbow (Pepper) and acara (Felix).
Actvity and heirarchy are all over the place between the acara/rainbow/chocolate.
Brick has decided to police the tank more regularly. Anyone stepping out of line gets chased (except the Parrot). He now chases the acara Felix in particular, who tries to defend his buddy Bobo the Choc. Felix and Pepper hang around Bobo like satellites.
Felix is nearly as fiesty as Pepper. He's actually charged at the Oscar a couple of times (not smart). Then he went after Boss when Boss was tangling with Bobo, his pal. He got popped for it and scooted off.
Brick has upped his game keeping Bobo on one side of the tank. As long as the Choc doesn't share the space he's in, he doesn't care. Otherwise Bobo gets run around. He gets especially pissed when Bobo grabs his red wigglers.
Pepper hasn't gotten the memo Rainbow cichlids are calm and peaceful. At times he annoys the other fish with his constant motion. But he leaves the parrot alone. He's a character that swims alone much more than the acara does. The acara hangs on the chocolate like sticky.
There are high speed impact fights between Pepper and Felix, like proton and neutron going at it. For all that, no split fins or busted scales. Felix usually runs out of gas first. Sometimes they swim together with no issue. Go figure. Lots of flaring and posturing.
The acara is an instigator. Sometimes he nudges the chocolate over to the oscar and parrot. Then its a big mixup.
After about 4 days of avoiding Bobo like he was afraid (why I don't know) Boss is back on the attack again, running Bobo all over the place???? I think because Bobo is a dark, large fish that would ambush Boss it threw him off a couple of days. He really does blend into the background sometimes and maybe the sudden motion startled the parrot. Bobo likes to take ambush cheap shots. Problem is, the oscar sees this and pops him for it.
Bobo wants the #2 spot but it will never happen because a: Boss and Brick are tight, b: Brick doesn't especially like him either and c: Bobo isn't enough of a fighter or aggressive enough consistently to force anything. He can't do anything with the Oscar and the parrot won't back down.
So things are peaceful and quiet as long as nobody annoys the Parrot and Oscar. The Chocolate is really stubborn at times so both of them will chase him out of their 'space.'
Me? I just grab the popcorn.