You must have a kick ass lfs. I order most of my fish, but we do have 2 good ones here. Retroculos xinguensis is up there. I really want spectablis, zebrina pikes, fogo bass, batrachops. When I was a kid I worked for a giant lfs and I sed to stare at axelrods atlas all day long. I was out of the hobby for a while, but my goal since I'm back in it is too keep species that I've never kept before, except my beloved festae.
My girlfriend is a dwarf cichlid fiend, so its fun because there are for the most part so new to me!
I really would love some xingu pikes...
Where to you live w/ such a kickass lfs?
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Portland, OR. I actually worked for them in their wholesale facility so I had a lot of experience with SAs and Africans when I got into cichlids, but we didn't carry a lot of CAs at the time.
Here's their current list:
In the last year they've had fernandezypezei, atabapo II, mapritensis, a few others you listed. They actually ship too if they have anything you're interested in, they import directly from SA.
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