most expensive fish your catfish ate...

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
-don't feel too bad i lost a least five hundred dollars to a rtc already!

my rtc that is 8" ate a 10" senagul and a pitcus cat
my TSN ate a $50 jardini:swear: and dragon goby and a peacock eel

catfish are taking over my life
:D I've only got one thing to say , STUPID IS , AS STUPID DOES. Just joking. All you Red-Tail guys know that these fish are going to eat the other tankmates eventually. That's how they get 100 or more pounds in the wild. I really think that you just like to live life on the edge! I feed my Wallago attu the fish my LFS get in on trade . I Know better that to even attempt to keep anything with it. P.S I don't know ,but how can fish "sleep" with no eyelids? I think they just rest. Hope I didn't make anyone angry, all in good fun. No harm , no foul!:irked:
i'm getting a silve aro and it will prob take out all my small tetras, my kribensis, and my coolie loach.
i agree too, where i'm at in my county we have scuba diver dive to the bottom of Hoover Dam and see 4-6ft blue catfish just sitting there!! to check the conditions of the bottom of the dam.
my mystus wykki, murdered several large cichlids and a few plecos. i say murdered as he didnt eat them he killed them for fun.

the red tail killed a few fish but nothing really expensive

the clarias probably claimed the most expensive fishes ... 2 8" clown loaches 1 12" blue eyed pleco and a ch.. pearsii
I had 2 tiger shovelnose cats that cleaned out my 65 gal community tank about 10 years ago. They ate about 50 fish altogether. Including barbs, mollys & plattys, an upside down synodontis, and others. The 1st to go was a group of black molly fry. I had them in a seperate tank until i thought they would be ok in the community. That night the tigers ate all the fry between them.
Redtail_Watcher;466930; said:
i agree too, where i'm at in my county we have scuba diver dive to the bottom of Hoover Dam and see 4-6ft blue catfish just sitting there!! to check the conditions of the bottom of the dam.

There's a dam in north carolina called lookout dam, and I read an article in the local newspaper where some dam divers claimed they saw catfish big enough to eat a man, and they refused to go back down to work on the dam further. I think they probably exaggerated a lil, but your story is more believable. It's funny how over exaggerated somethings can be comming from uneducated people and what people are willing to believe. People tell me all the time that they won't keep catfish cause they eat poop, and rotten stuff. I went fishing with a friend who said he'd catch the biggest catfish on a rotten bream head, while I fished with a live bream. He caught a snapping turtle and I caught a 15 lbs. channel cat. I caught several other large channels that night on live bait only and he only caught the turtle. That was my proof to him that catfish love live or freshly killed food. He's a believer now!!!! But we have to spread the word and make them all believers! Gather together my friends and spread the message of the almighty CATFISH!!!! Ummmm, sorry got a lil carried away! CATFISH RULE!!!:headbang2