He definitely is one of the best fish I have ever had. So full of personality, tame but viscous at the same time. When in time out just sits there pouting, yet when out will follow your fingers along the glass, playing "catch me if you can" racing end to end of the tank all along biting the hell out of your fingers thru the glass.Casper's getting beautiful bud, gonna have to follow this one for sure I think I may need one of these in my life
Looking back in the thread, I took them in early April, at the time the fry were around 1/2 inch in size. They said they were going to grow them out some at their offsite warehouse. Seems to me by now should be big enough unless like I mentioned waiting out the peel. A month ago when I got the fish for my Convict paradise from them they said they still had them growing out offsite. They have not showed up on the website or I would have mentioned it here for sure as I know a couple MFK members have mentioned wanting to get some.Wet spot has his babies? I must acquire them