• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

My Amphilophus Sagittae journal

Wow, I havent been on here for a while. Looks like you've had some major changes and made mad progress with you new tanks.
Has it helped you regain the enthusiasm for the hobby?
Now don't get me wrong, I love my girl Toni. But I had to make changes and it has worked so far. I think I am more suited for growing them out than forever keeping. Watching them grow and change drives me. Maybe that will be the plan going forward. Grow them big, sell and start over with something new. Heck @Go_redfish was offered a nice chunk of change for Toni for a common Oscar.
Im glad you're still enjoying the hobby and they are both developing beautifully. I dont know that anyone else would offer so much for Toni as Mat did (I'm unsure of the market value for one her size tho. She is much bigger than the average $50 owner surrendered Os I see at the LFSs here). He's an Oscar fanatic tho and was really impressed with her.

You definitely have a talent for raising a little fish into an impressive specimen!
@Jexnell Did you end up finding homes for your spares? I think I saw your CL post a few weeks back.

The only spare I have now is the creamsickle male.20181031_163319.jpg

The orange male jumped out of the tank overnight. And Casper killed the creamsickle female. So little girl is in with Casper now.

Edit: Yes he is available