My Amphilophus Sagittae journal

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Big fish plans???

The plan
1) move oak tank into my room
2) get another Aqueon 125 and set it where the oak one is currently
3) rehome my Nanolutae, Bushynose pleco and Cory cat, this will give me two empty 125s cichlid wise.
4) order from Kevin at TUIC Amphilophus Lyonsi for one and Herichthys Carpinitis for the other. Gonna give it another go with Carpinitis since my last try was cut short due to a apartment remodel that never happened.
Regardless it's going to be exciting to see the growth of new specimens. A whole new journey. I'm glad I was able to follow Caspar from since you got him up until now. What a treat.
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More back on topic

It's been about a month now or so without me having to net Casper to clean the tank. He hangs out in the other end that I am working in. These 125s have three 2ft sections as far as the lids go. So after I clean one end and the middle section he calmly swims over to the now clean end so I can clean the last dirty section.
The plan
1) move oak tank into my room
2) get another Aqueon 125 and set it where the oak one is currently
3) rehome my Nanolutae, Bushynose pleco and Cory cat, this will give me two empty 125s cichlid wise.
4) order from Kevin at TUIC Amphilophus Lyonsi for one and Herichthys Carpinitis for the other. Gonna give it another go with Carpinitis since my last try was cut short due to a apartment remodel that never happened.


I'm especially looking forward to the Lyonsi.

And don't think you can post too many pictures of the changes! Cause you can't!

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