Dylanb - I beleive all MJ are wild caught, they go out into the ocean to breed, then they raise the fry in mangrove areas. I bought mine from a LFS when he was about 10cm.
Keasarge - it took a while, lots of experimenting with different tankmates.
Fleshy - i wish, the whole process of obtaining one seems too daunting though. Maybe in the future.
I just got a 8x2.5x2 for the Jack. I need to clean it, paint the back, then sort out filtration and aquascaping. It has a weir in the corner that can be connected to a sump, I just need to source one, or decide on whether I will use a couple cannisters instead. If I chose the canisters, I would need to keep the water level down a bit so the water wont overflow into the weir and end up on the floor.
Once the Jack is out, im getting a big 45cm aussie bass, nice golden brown colours. He will go into the community. I also have a 80cm longfin eel in there too now, I will need to get pics, he has a nice light yellow/green colouring with brown markings.
Oh, the Jardini is no longer with us. He survived getting his gill ripped off by the Jack, but round 2 didn't go his way, I found him upside down at the bottom of the tank one morning. He had damage to his tail, it looked as if the Jack grabbed his tail then broke his back with a flick.