my best friend pacu


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 24, 2010
sweet home oregon
with that article there is no doubt the he does need a bigger tank but he is to old to move him now. and i know my pacu does need a new tank and im working on it but a lot of peopple on this thread i fill are taking out a lot of anger on me because im not in the place to ger him a new tank, and they just went off on me witch is not needs to be done, i was hoping somewon could help me out a sell me a tank thats big enugh to make his dreams come true. i want a plywood tank, thats what im going to build if no won wants to sell me one. something like a 300g tank. i watched all the videos and read all about it and are ready to build one.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 19, 2005
Oscar Tummy
Awesome! This is great news. I am very excited to hear that you are going to do your best with this fish! Check out the DIY section for tank builds.


MFK Member
Jun 22, 2009
Darth Scohin;4319324; said:
Many are in question of the age of that fish. And many did flame this article when it was posted months ago

This fish is well known. A lot of reputable newspapers and a lot of reputable fish sites wrote about this pacu. Say that the owner got flamed for keeping a pacu alive for 43 years in a 75 gallon tank. All you guys will say move it, move it to a bigger tank. But the owner of the fish will say, no, I am scared that the pacu will be jinxed with a bigger tank. So you would choose a bigger tank I suppose.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 26, 2010
Northern NJ
I think it's fairly obvious from the start of the thread that Pacubuddy did not know much about this fish. If he thought he was being cruel do you think he'd post the thread he did showing off his fish? He came here for questions, and although I think it's important to stress that that fish shouldn't be in a tank that size, there's no reason be angry with him. I believe the anger should be directed at the LFS (knifegill got it right). If Pacubuddy cannot come up with a larger tank, he now knows it's best for the fish to be sold and replaced.

Pacubuddy- I understand your attachment to that fish, but I can guarantee you will find a fish just as cool if not better if you talk to people on this site and ask questions. You have a 55 gallon tank, that's a decent size tank to have some good fish. You can get a few quality fish in there with just a much personality as your pacu. Just think about what is best for your fish.


MFK Member
Jun 9, 2008
new jersey
building a 450 gallon plywood tank, then filtering it ect. will be very time consuming and expensive. i understand the fish means alot but there are other fish that you will eventually learn to love for there awesome personality. i would donate this fish to someone with a large pond or zoo because pacu are really too big imo for any "tank"

you seem like a nice guy so why not let this fish live the rest of its life in a home where it can really stretch out its fins and swim as fast as it wants? there are many cool fish out there pacu would be great aquarium fish if it wasnt for there adult size.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 24, 2010
sweet home oregon
about how much do you think a plywood fish tank would cost, im looking at all the cost of everything and the filters and stuff to weigh my choices ya know to see if it is possible if i can keep my buddy or if i should give it away to a happy home. a tank about 300g for now untill i move in to my house, see i still live at home with my grandparents and im going to collage this october to wyotech in californa and i dont want to build a gaint tank that i cant move. im going to leave my fish here and my gf is going to take care of it and i think a 300g will hold him over for about 9-10 months. so if i can hear some storys about building plywood tanks and costs and problems, any comments help alot and im trying to keep pacus best interstes in mind


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 26, 2010
Northern NJ
There's a ton of plywood tank threads in the D.I.Y. section on the forums. I can't tell you anything from experience. From what I've read, it can be quite time consuming.


Jurassic Aquatics
MFK Member
Jun 8, 2010
Chandler, AZ
to build a plywood tank that large, it would cost more than just buying a 220 gallon tank that would at least ease up on him a bit right now. I also think if you are thinking long term, and you yourself thinking that a 300 gallon will only be good for less than a year, should look at giving him up for adoption. Do it somewhere locally so you can go visit him frequently and watch him swim happily!