My Channa from India and Rest of the World

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
57 cm? that is the most stunning auranti male ive ever seen, awesome fins!!! lovely habitat and barca pics... those head shots of barca are very useful...

again man your posts are like a big film's release... i so wait for it, take a bow tabby!!! :clap
Hello Tabrez,

what can I say, what all the others has not told?
This is one of the best threats about Channa I have ever seen in the net. The pictures are great.
Difficult to know, which Channa are males and which ones are females, special in Channa barca, so your pics are very helpful.
I have never seen before a yellow Channa asiatica. Do you know if they come from nature or if it is a fail from breeding stock?
Nevertheless, big amazing collection, wonderful to see it here now, and I hope some more in future!

Michael from Berlin/Germany
Incredible collection of Channa, Tabby. Thanks for taking the time to add all of the photos & detailed information on the various species that you keep. Would love to see your pleuro set up if/when you have time. Thanks!
Thanks Raenrage, Euge, Icysword, Aqua Gardens, Mike, RD and Scharoel.

@ Mike - That asiatica could be a natural colour or maybe a deficiency of some sort.

Time for an update guys, so here are some pictures:

Channa cf. punctata Green Fins - A very big specimen!


Have a look at this, Channa sp. 'Chenar' Spearhead


30 cm Channa stewartii 'Yellow/Orange Rim' male from Barpeta, Assam


The Pair of them


57 cm Auranti male from the pair, simply equalling a barca's beauty!


Channa sp. Redfin


Channa gachua 'Golden'


25 cm male of Channa sp. Meghalaya Leopard


A close up of the Big Barca 71 cm


Pair of Channa stewartii 28 cm from Marigaon, Assam


Channa sp. Fireback/Flameback under the floating plants' shadow


A candid shot of the Channa barca pair # 2


Couple of videos for records to stay in the same thread:

Barca pair 2 video

Massive Auranti pair video

Big Stewartii pair video

Signing off, enjoy!
