Are you going to build a stand for it or keep it 'pond' style? Looks amazing!
Are you going to build a stand for it or keep it 'pond' style? Looks amazing!
love the progrees. your pond has a viewing panel which i absolutely adore. i too have a 1500 gallon pond with a pacu and two IDs . i wanna add some plants, which ones would you recommendthinking of a stand similar to this one
Fish Story Aquarium and Rescue, Naples, FL; two 4500 gal 13'x13'x4.5'
My first attempt at making videos. Need more and different lighting but for now these poor videos. ***************************************** Tank 1: *****************************************
love the progrees. your pond has a viewing panel which i absolutely adore. i too have a 1500 gallon pond with a pacu and two IDs . i wanna add some plants, which ones would you recommend