Got the stand for the filter completed. Front was left open for storage. Also did a maintenance overhaul on the filter. Brand new o rings, media sponges and uv light. Also found out the o rings on the old uv light leaked and allowed water in to the electrical housing, so that's now shot. Gonna have to save up to replace that too. But at least the filter will still work fine.
Leak test passed. Tank and stand haven't made a sound. Pump is loud af, might need to look in to upgrading that.
Water came in nice and cold
Full tank
Added all the pothos from on top of the 90 to begin the process of breaking it down.
Still a lot more work to do on the 600 decoration wise but we're ready for fish! Well once the water warms up
The rocks are not coming along as I'd like but luckily it's foam and easy to redo. It really slows things down having to wait 24 hours for it to fully cure though.