• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

My LFS + Hatchery pics .....

Discus tank with two wilds to start..

110 SA w/ gold severum,A heckli, Geo red head tapajo, Chocolate cichlid. Will be addeding more + exotic plecos.

150 Malawian display with Huge Champrochromis Trout.

Counter tank Sponge Bob display w/glow fish


A customers 150gal display at his business, Live plants then African cichlids, SA cichlids, Rainbow fish, Clown loaches & more. Amazing the mix of fishes in this tank. & the Severums do not eat the Plants!

lol, kool trash can, sorry nfs.
the new place is slow to start. do not have it open for full time hours yet. been unofficially open for two weeks. Have many lookers to see what were about.

indiana.dutton. so the africans don't own the angels? sorry not sure about the ? . have me for a lost.
I saw one of your fish tanks at a junkyard in cleveland, had to be a year or more maybe more now. It was a pretty big tank with a baby oscar and catfish on the bottom. My friend was looking for a heater for his car I think.. Looked nice though, I think it had an automatic feeder the oscar was camping out a few inches away from it. lol He is probably pretty big now, but the tank was plenty big enough. Your new store looks really nice, I'll have to check it out next time I'm out cleveland way.