My Paludarium

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I need one...
That looks awesome with the fogger going!
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Reactions: Ashtons Fishroom
one of the best paludariums i have seen, although i would like to see it with more land area and a lower water level
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Reactions: Deadeye
one of the best paludariums i have seen, although i would like to see it with more land area and a lower water level
Thank you. I wanted to do more land but with how far it came forward, most of the water would have been behind the rock work and I really wanted this tank for the stream fish that enjoy the current.
I am a huge fan of fish adapted to faster moving stretches of water. Having the higher column of water also gave a chance to have it levelled for the loaches at the bottom and the danios in the middle with the Laubuca Dadiburjori at the top. Which has played out quite well.

I am planning a shallower tank with more land but that is a future project.

here are some pics form last night. It is a tad hard to get a solid pic as the light intensity above and below the water differe a lot and make balancing the photo a bit tricky. But you get the idea.

Plants are filling in nicely. Except.........
the Monte Carlo did not thrive. It slowly but surely got taken over by the moss as it withered away. As I do with most of my tanks, I let it change and become an easy to maintain set up and will slowly replace it with plants that are working.

Had a bit of an algae issue but that usually happen here during summer when the temps in the tanks sore to 31C for a few months and the plants all but stop growing below water.

The filter pump is not as strong as it used to be. So I bought a DC pump to hook up to the inlet like I did for the 75gal but the pipe sizes and nozzles are so different I am going to have to MacGyver them together. This should triple or more the stream output but that will come with its own set of problems. Will see how that goes.

Absolutely beautiful. The set-up, the photography, the great and honest explanations on how you went about it, the choices of plants, fish and materials. Truly humbling but mostly very inspiring.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you very much. The season for revitalizing is coming up now so I am looking forward to that.