Just finished moving my "vase" tank to my science room and with the students we built a new nano paludarium.
The vase has 6 dwarf golden barbs and 3 ruby tetras.
The lotus is making 2 plantlets which I am excited and will remove in spring.
Was having a lot of green hair algae growing but since moving it and having students do 50~60% weekly water changes, that seems to be subsiding.
The paludarium has 7 endler males and will get a few shrimp once more established.
Underwater there is an anubias in each top corner and should be emerging sometime. The rest are about 4 or 5 buce that will slowly fill in and we will cut and propagate to eventually cover rock work. and I want to add a crypt to each bottom corner.
behind the rock work is a small pump covered with expanded clay balls about 1/2 way up. Then a layer of filter floss and that is covered with small grain akadama soil. I have used this in almost all my planted tanks and it has been working well for the low tech set ups.
Emerged is a pothos growing up the log and over the right side. We hope to get the right one to reach the window about two meters away. There is also a wandering Jew plant and a premna microphylla sprig that we took a chance with and it rooted.
A small bolbitis was put on top of the akadama and has started growing nicely as has the other plant we added that I can't remember the name of.
Soon we are going to add a small orchid or two on the wood as well as a rabbit foot fern. In the soil we will put a peacelily, fern and maybe another bog plant that could survive. Then it will be left to grow.

The vase has 6 dwarf golden barbs and 3 ruby tetras.
The lotus is making 2 plantlets which I am excited and will remove in spring.
Was having a lot of green hair algae growing but since moving it and having students do 50~60% weekly water changes, that seems to be subsiding.
The paludarium has 7 endler males and will get a few shrimp once more established.
Underwater there is an anubias in each top corner and should be emerging sometime. The rest are about 4 or 5 buce that will slowly fill in and we will cut and propagate to eventually cover rock work. and I want to add a crypt to each bottom corner.
behind the rock work is a small pump covered with expanded clay balls about 1/2 way up. Then a layer of filter floss and that is covered with small grain akadama soil. I have used this in almost all my planted tanks and it has been working well for the low tech set ups.
Emerged is a pothos growing up the log and over the right side. We hope to get the right one to reach the window about two meters away. There is also a wandering Jew plant and a premna microphylla sprig that we took a chance with and it rooted.
A small bolbitis was put on top of the akadama and has started growing nicely as has the other plant we added that I can't remember the name of.
Soon we are going to add a small orchid or two on the wood as well as a rabbit foot fern. In the soil we will put a peacelily, fern and maybe another bog plant that could survive. Then it will be left to grow.