My Paludarium

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Just finished moving my "vase" tank to my science room and with the students we built a new nano paludarium.
The vase has 6 dwarf golden barbs and 3 ruby tetras.
The lotus is making 2 plantlets which I am excited and will remove in spring.
Was having a lot of green hair algae growing but since moving it and having students do 50~60% weekly water changes, that seems to be subsiding.

The paludarium has 7 endler males and will get a few shrimp once more established.
Underwater there is an anubias in each top corner and should be emerging sometime. The rest are about 4 or 5 buce that will slowly fill in and we will cut and propagate to eventually cover rock work. and I want to add a crypt to each bottom corner.
behind the rock work is a small pump covered with expanded clay balls about 1/2 way up. Then a layer of filter floss and that is covered with small grain akadama soil. I have used this in almost all my planted tanks and it has been working well for the low tech set ups.
Emerged is a pothos growing up the log and over the right side. We hope to get the right one to reach the window about two meters away. There is also a wandering Jew plant and a premna microphylla sprig that we took a chance with and it rooted.
A small bolbitis was put on top of the akadama and has started growing nicely as has the other plant we added that I can't remember the name of.

Soon we are going to add a small orchid or two on the wood as well as a rabbit foot fern. In the soil we will put a peacelily, fern and maybe another bog plant that could survive. Then it will be left to grow.
Wow, very cool setups.
I have N. splendens that are very similar to your N. Transvestitus. I had my original pair in a 29g which worked until the female died. When I tried to add a new female the male went on the hunt and he had to be removed. I gave the female a month to settle in and then tried to reintroduce the male but he immediately went on the hunt again. I am planning on redoing my planted 55g and will move them into it once ready.
Wow, very cool setups.
I have N. splendens that are very similar to your N. Transvestitus. I had my original pair in a 29g which worked until the female died. When I tried to add a new female the male went on the hunt and he had to be removed. I gave the female a month to settle in and then tried to reintroduce the male but he immediately went on the hunt again. I am planning on redoing my planted 55g and will move them into it once ready.
I look forward to seeing it. My tank also has riparian roots at the surface which the fish that is not being the aggressor likes to hide in. Just make as make large full tank height barriers and "holey" mounds to swim in, around, and through and it should work.
The fish and buce have been added.
The current from the outlet on the left of the tank is a bit too strong for the endlers so they stay on the right side mostly. And this drives me insane.
I have come up with a possible solution and will make it soon to dampen the direct flow of the water. Once the anubias roots grow in and I plant a crypt there, I am hoping it will also help a bit.
I really like this light but wish it was a little stronger. But i suppose it will be good for the buce and anubius and less algae.

Emergent growth and bog. Still looking for the right sized peace lily.

If anyone can ID the center plant please let me know. I am really starting to like them for paludariums. The grow well and respond nicely to pruning.


The fish and Buce. The left biggest buce needs to be repositioned slightly. Looks like it's hanging by a moment.
The 55gal got a new pump for the stream and a major hack. It was so over grown and some of the really quick growers like the fern, were taking over the slow growers I am really after. I have only finished above water work and will do below water work sometime soon.

The atomizer is working a treat now.

Before the growth become too much. You can see some browned/browning leaves, a few weeds popping up and the fern about to explode.

This was while the tank had no pump so a few of the species slowed down as there was less water and others took off. Balance has since hopefully been restored.

After the weed eater took care of business. It looks a bit like a hack job but it will grow back and fill in again before you know it.

The atomizer/mister going full ball.
I can see clearly now the rain is gone :ROFL:
Very nice. Would you come over and set one up for me :grinyes:
The 55gal got a new pump for the stream and a major hack. It was so over grown and some of the really quick growers like the fern, were taking over the slow growers I am really after. I have only finished above water work and will do below water work sometime soon.

The atomizer is working a treat now.

Before the growth become too much. You can see some browned/browning leaves, a few weeds popping up and the fern about to explode.
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This was while the tank had no pump so a few of the species slowed down as there was less water and others took off. Balance has since hopefully been restored.
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After the weed eater took care of business. It looks a bit like a hack job but it will grow back and fill in again before you know it.
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The atomizer/mister going full ball.
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Looks amazing! Do you find that your anubias grows quicker emersed, like me?
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