My Plywood Build 250 Gallon

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Lid is not set perminant yet... Just "tacked" inplace to keep the sides from warping.

Fishguy? what problems do you see? Want to work on the lighting and plumbing and would love to know what you are thinking before I continue.

Anyone else have input?


Waited for input but decided to just go for it. So here are the plans for the filter. It is above tank which is why I left so much of the lid intact rather than cutting a larger opening.

Work has started but am off to work now. Will post pics when it is assembled.




Cheers all,

Work was my issue for not responding timely. I apologize. Running two businesses and having four kids is a bit time constraining LOL Also, my shoes were untied and the sun was in my eyes...

I have a few valid points for attempting to get you to change your mind on the lid. One is getting fish in and out. No matter what you're going to want as much space as possible. It's difficult attempting to catch fish from above... Second, getting decor in and out, again, the more room the better. I have a 9' piece of tree in my tank and let me tell you... it sucks monkey #@$%@ trying to get it in and out when necessary. Point is not to limit yourself.

If your plan is to have your filtration on top (which is wicked cool by the way) then why not make it a separate piece? Just use some 1x2 as cross bucks across the top that are removeable with stainless screws. All you really need is three, one in the middle and one in the middle between that one and the end. Then if you find that killer piece of drift wood or what have you then you lower the water level 50% and take off one of the cross bucks....

Is any of this making sense? LOL It's hard to convey things sometimes in electronic communication LOL

Thanks for the compliment on the tank :) I like it too, I just wish someone would come over and rescue some of the 9 midas and 6 oscars in the tank LOL They're too big to ship...
The S/W product is NOT potable in containers under 2000 gallons... My brother works for S/W and he was the first person I went to for advice on my first build. He is the one who suggested drylok. And the drylok worked very very well. But no matter how much sealant you use, having only one nail holding your back bottom wall in place will cause a leak :irked:
Thanks.. I will rethink how I place the filter on top of the tank.

Interesting, the data sheet for the SW macropoxy says nothing about that. Good to know before I started.

Will post pics of the filter when done.

Rather than the 1x2 would I get the needed strength if I just finish cutting out the lid leaving a 2" ring around the edge and a 2" cross brace down the middle?