NEVER release an aquarium fish into the wild.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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Yeah, I've had personal experiance with what invasive fish can do to an ecosystym (guppies for example, you may think they'll get eaten, but thy will quickly crowd out all the other fish.
Yea, the Snakehead is a great example of people's stupidity. Now an entire ecosystem could crash because of one person.
Yea for one its bad for the ecosystem for native fish that can not compete with a snakehead for example, second its bad for people who dont release there fish because it takes away fish we want to buy/import cause of laws.
I agree with you. This is why so many fish are illegal to buy or sell in certain states now. Because of stupid people, we are the ones who loose out.
if ur fish is big enougf then u can eat it or sell it to another fish keeper
Not that I feel terribly compelled to stop you specifically from doing it, but never eat aquarium fish. Toxins build up in their meat. Eating an aquarium-kept/raised fish will put you on the toilet for a good while. And who's going to buy that two-foot Pacu? If you don't want it or have room for it anymore, why would someone else?
A Domesticated fish should never be released to the wild as they have become adapted to their aquarium environment and depend on their owners food source and have not developed necessary defence against larger breeds.
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