H hanzvelez Candiru MFK Member Apr 21, 2010 109 6 48 Cagayan de oro city Philippines Jun 26, 2010 #491 well actually in the phils guppies are found in almost every body of water from canals to rivers i don't know who released them in Mindanao
well actually in the phils guppies are found in almost every body of water from canals to rivers i don't know who released them in Mindanao
M Maxfish Feeder Fish MFK Member Apr 7, 2009 40 0 6 USA Jun 26, 2010 #492 Koi where released into native water in New Zealand and all imports where banned and a Bow hunting season was opened on the fish.
Koi where released into native water in New Zealand and all imports where banned and a Bow hunting season was opened on the fish.
J jdm_da510 Feeder Fish MFK Member Jun 30, 2010 395 0 0 39 everywhere Jul 6, 2010 #493 if i cant keep my fish...ill jus EAT it!!! =] lol jk
B brown2010 Feeder Fish MFK Member Jul 15, 2010 144 0 0 Boston, Ma. USA Jul 21, 2010 #494 rook45;239078; said: yeah people that do this mess ***** up for all of us Click to expand... Agreed! only takes one stupid person to mess it up for everyone else!!
rook45;239078; said: yeah people that do this mess ***** up for all of us Click to expand... Agreed! only takes one stupid person to mess it up for everyone else!!
A aldrinsi Feeder Fish MFK Member Jan 24, 2010 46 0 0 Philippines Jul 27, 2010 #496 it is also better to give those abandoned fishes to me than releasing them!haha!!
M macmilan Feeder Fish MFK Member Jul 29, 2010 38 0 0 Nottingham, United Kingdom www.monsterfishkeepers.com Aug 2, 2010 #497 realy not a good idea! as fish keepers we really dont want to see any avoidable restrictions imposed on what we can get our hands on because of a few idiots
realy not a good idea! as fish keepers we really dont want to see any avoidable restrictions imposed on what we can get our hands on because of a few idiots
N NYG SUBMARINER Feeder Fish MFK Member Aug 6, 2010 4 0 0 New york Aug 7, 2010 #498 i agree 100 % but maybe it should be posted on the displays @ pet stores or even the products u purchase for your tank as a constant reminder .....
i agree 100 % but maybe it should be posted on the displays @ pet stores or even the products u purchase for your tank as a constant reminder .....
H Hlee019 Feeder Fish MFK Member Sep 20, 2010 97 0 0 Irvine, Ca Sep 26, 2010 #500 I agree with this message. Invasive species can cause serious problems to your local ecosystem, and they cost millions to deal with.
I agree with this message. Invasive species can cause serious problems to your local ecosystem, and they cost millions to deal with.