I agree that is why we Australians are not allowed any great fish down under because the threat of sum stupid fish keeper letting them go in the wild. As you all know we have had allot of our big rivers destroyed from carp and gold fish.
didnt anyone watch the river monster eepisode on pacu? releasing fish can also be hazordous to humans. we have pacu caught three years in a row in the connecticut river and giant snakehead sampled twice in new york. just because they shouldnt survive doesnt mean they cant. mother nature was designed to run the way it was designed not to fix itself after people screw it up. great post especially for the younger generation of fishkeepers to read as we become a more chain fish store driven hobby. youll never get this advice at petsmart or petco
I live near the Everglades, that is a freak show back there.
On the other hand, it has dispelled the myth that cichlids need this super rocky, high akaline environment to survive. Cichlids (especially Oscars) are thriving in the Everglades, which is pretty much high planted, mud bottom, low PH environment. In fact, in some areas you can't even find a Bass until you go back a few hundred yards because the shallows are over run by Oscars.
I live in Davie all I see are tons of tilapia African jewels peacock bass and Mayan chillids a paco oh and an arowan I'm trying to catch he's big maybe three to four ft almost no native fish oh and Fwc doesn't want you to us them as bait so why would you catch jewels or small invasives then
The first mistake was allowing people to keep fish as pets. There is always going to be irresponsible people. It was a matter of time before they realized the mistake they made and now we are seeing the consequences. All these bans are never going to change cause the problems are here and not going anywhere. They really need to make the public more aware. LFS and stores like petco/petsmart need signs or tell people verbally to not release fish into the wild. The average person who goes and buys fish a lot of them have no idea where the fish come from and they do not think releasing it nearby is wrong.
The problem is they sell too many fish that get too big for the average person. Yeah this lake by me I have been catching nothing but tilapia and carps and 1 time I caught a pleco. I am hoping to catch a bass or sunfish but not sure they are even there.
These is a good thing that a fish you are not release into the wild. The type of things are get the amount of fish in dangerous condition. It may be possible that it may died in the wild.